Saturday, September 21, 2013

Pharmacy victim not a Chester resident

From today’s Daily Times, we learn about the pharmacy manager murdered while working in the Chester pharmacy on Thursday.

Forty year old Jason McClay is a Delco guy who went to Haverford High and lived in Broomall. Despite his education in criminal justice, a U.S. Navy vet, and being a big man standing over 6 feet tall, he was no match for the bad guys. 

In the article, Jason’s dad describes Chester as the wild west and shares his beliefs of Chester’s ills. It’s obvious and understandable that the family is devastated over losing their oldest child.

It’s no surprises, but worthy of taking note, that the pharmacy manager was not a native or resident of Chester. I’m not sure how big a pool Chester has to pull pharmacist from. 

I’m sure he was a good store manager, but it’s hard to build a local economy when people come to work in your town and go live somewhere else. Chester has to either build up its talent pool, or build some decent housing for people who hate to commute. 


  1. For a city of this size the amount of violence is ridiculous, I don't see the leaders of the city coming up with any solutions to the problems. I think the city needs to start making it very difficult for some people to live here, with less than 50 percent home ownership that shouldn't be difficult, and get some of the businesses and organizations in this city to come together and start putting camera all throughout the city.

    1. The solution comes from within the family and the community. Dont put it on the city leaders!
      Vilolence is acceptable in the community until that changes it will not get better.

    2. True the solution is within the family and community but that doesn't mean city leaders can't do things to help alleviate some of the problems. Entirely too much money is being spent doing things that clearly don't work. Residents need to be fine and landlords need to lose their occupancy license, people know they can do things here, that they wouldn't dare do in other communities without anything happening.

  2. Wow! What difference does it make where the victim of this crime was from. A life was taken by these ruthless criminals and that is unacceptable!
    Violence is the accepted norm in the city and we must distance ourselves from that thinking.
    Residents of the city must fight back, speak up and get involved to save their city.

  3. Victim is not from city, what difference does it make, someone has lost his life by just being a pharmacy worker ? I wonder why he was killed?
