Friday, September 20, 2013

Trying to restore downtown Chester with a program

Ok, so these aren't the plans for Downtown Chester
but with the right program,it could happen.
 (The new World Trade Center. June '13 - S. Roots)
The Chester Business Association is making a case for the Main Street program to come to Chester. Main Street is a community-based approach to revitalizing downtowns and central business districts.

The Main Street program was initiated in 1980 by the National Trust for Historic Preservation as a way to help bolster structures that were being restored. Since that year, $51 billion has been invested in communities throughout the United States, more than 430,000 jobs have been created, more than 220,000 buildings have been restored and the average private to public investment has been $16 to $1.   
(Delco Times - Kathleen E. Carey)

We’ll be watching where this leads.


  1. They should start with the revitalizing of the neighborhood business corridors. If that could happen, I would have more confidence in there ability of taking on downtown. Now if just seams to big a task.

    1. What neighborhoods in Chester have a business corridor?

  2. Any help in any part of our City is blessing

    1. I hope that doesn't mean we just accept whatever someone hands to us
