Saturday, September 21, 2013

Chester man gets apology for 10 months in jail

Back in April we learned that a Chester man was released from his 10 month jail stint after it was found that he was too short to be the murderer although two witnesses identified him as the shooter from surveillance photos released to the media. (It is kind of hard to judge height from a photo).

I guess he felt he deserved more than an apology and hired a lawyer who charged the authorities with discrimination. This week the judge has dismissed the civil rights lawsuit against Delaware County, the city of Chester and some detectives.

His lawyer argued earlier that the arrest stemmed from an "egregious failure" to investigate the case but I guess that wasn’t enough to garner anything more than an apology for 10 months in jail. 

U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Savage ruled that investigators had sufficient evidence to make the arrest, rebuffing claims of false arrest, false imprisonment, and malicious prosecution.
District Attorney Jack Whelan said Wednesday his department acted in good faith and with probable cause.


  1. I think its pretty sad that it took them 10 months to figure out he was too short to have been the person that did the crime. That was stress on him and his family, knowing he was innocent and not knowing what was going to happen to him. I think he is owed more than an apology.

