Wednesday, April 10, 2013

D.A. heads team in hunt for Chester slaying suspect

A recent article in the Daily Times highlighted Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan knocking on doors, hoping to find leads to the killer of a man gunned down in broad daylight last Memorial Day. (D.A. heads team in hunt for Chester slaying suspect - April 6, 2013)

A rather ordinary story until I came upon this statement:

Police initially charged city resident Tahmir Craig for the murder but withdrew all charges last month after it was determined Craig was too short to have been the killer. An FBI analysis of video photographs indicated Williams’ killer is 5 feet, 11½ inches tall. Craig measures 5 feet, 5½ inches. Craig was released from county prison after a 10-month stay.

Is it just me, or does anyone else wonder how Mr. Craig was arrested in the first place? He must have fit the description of the murderer, but than again, he was way to short to fit the description. Does it really take 10 months to figure that out?

In my opinion, the real story isn't about the D.A. walk-around. It's about Tahmir Craig.

Makes you wonder how many others who fit the description have been locked up but never 'measure up' to be released.

I'm sensitive to this story because I was stopped by a cop in Manhattan for fitting the description of a purse snatcher. They held me on the block until they could bring the victim around to identify me. Thank God for her husband. If he didn't tell the cop I wasn't the guy, that lady would have sent me to jail. She wasn't too happy with hubby. 

Too many innocent people have fit the description. 


  1. I hope the DA gets a team together for all the other murders in the city.

  2. I was locked up in 2008 for a warrant in Chester spent three week in the county prison I hired a lawyer and they still didn't want to let me out, come to find out they let the wrong person out of prison because we shared the same name, about a month ago I recieved a lettter in the mail that I had a warrant for my arrest I quickly went over to the police station and question them about this so they looked up my social and they realized that I wasn't the person they were looking for and all they could say was " sorry for the inconvience" SORRY!!! I almost lost my government job behind this, I lost pay reitermnet points and self respect behind the police and Judge Vann not doing their jobs and all I can get is sorry. should i file a law suit too.....Lamont2086

  3. If Linder stop riding around judging his own cops maybe they can get it right. in chester black on black crime EVERYDAY this time the white man helped out and the black man will get PAID, sorry Mr. Craig stand strong you and your mom will be happy soon GET OUT OF PENNSYLVANIA

  4. i remember philly cops stopped me on streets with guns drawn said man with red shirt just robbed store my shirt was yellow as the sun matter fact it was a hair world shirt

  5. This is a very sensitive story. I to wonder how many have been wrongfully arrested and accused just because Chester finest say they did it, just because some witnesses say they did it. Something as serious, you would think that Chester finest go at the situation a little harder. My advise to my kids and some folks may not like it, but stay far away out of Chester Finest way. I've seen and heard some of the things that can come out their mouths and they weonder why it is so hard for the people in this City to trust them. They can be real nasty!!! As far as delaware County DA; all they looking at is their conviction rate. Young men in Chester they will lock you up and throw away the key... For those of you who disagree; I can't get mad because we have the right to our own opinion.

  6. Why DA Wheelan hunting so hard to find this particular killer? What about all the other unsolved killings in our City. Is it bacause of the lawsuit???????

  7. My question is , "where is the legal representation for the charged young man, First Question: Did you commit the crime? Second Question:Where were you at the time of the shooting? Third question: Do you have an alibi or who can attest to your answer. Fourth Question: Do you know the victim? Fifth Question: Why should I believe you? At some point with the negative answers, it would appear that a reasonable prudent person would at least cehck out his story. Murder is a serious charge for all parties involved. I could not sleep at night thinking is this the wrong person. 1mm? Why did not his family believe he did not commit the crime. It appears he did not have an advocate except for FBI. Was this surveillance tape available immediately? Mistakes can happen but when you have a video and it is not the person, how do you ignore that. ijs
