Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is Kirkland being ignored again?

Last month, I asked if State Rep Thaddeus Kirkland had any friends in Harrisburg as many of his colleagues had joined together to send a letter calling on Gov. Corbett to take action in the  Chester school funding matter but had left Kirkland out.
To his credit, Kirkland did attend the meeting that was set up as a result of that letter.
Now today I read that the mayor of Marcus Hook has plans to meet with State Rep. Steven Barrar of Upper Chichester and other local officials to discuss ongoing safety controls the borough will have to ensure that the plant remains secure after Sunoco leaves. 
However, the refineries are in the 159th district which Kirkland rules. 
Why isn’t the mayor meeting with Kirkland and other local officials?
Just asking?

1 comment:

  1. Because they know he isn't relevant in any real decision making, not to mention he really doesn't care either way if the news camera's aren't around....Why won't anyone loook at his record, over the last 20yrs, it's on hasn't done much to have been in office for so long....but he isn't relevant to them or their livelyhoods...and what power does he whild(sp)?
