Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chester 2012 budgets finally surface

Looks like the City of Chester finally made copies of their amended 2012 budget and salary ordinance that was passed a couple weeks ago and got them over to the Daily Times. 
As the reports, some new positions were created, some were eliminated. Some people got raises, some got pay reductions.  Despite the shuffle in people and salaries, the total revenue and expenditures remain the same from the original budget approved for 2012.
Linder said positions in which new employees brought additional experience and took on added responsibilities received increases. With departures, some positions were eliminated or allocated less wages.
The few items that raised my brow were:
  1. The elimination of $190,000 in overtime for positions other than police and firefighters. There were a lot of salaried workers doing overtime...where some employees were equaling their salaries in overtime compensation. Thank you Mayor Linder for addressing that little issue. It’s rare to see salaried employees earning overtime. 
  2. Clarence Pearsall will be responsible for promoting the city through new media and technology. Not to take money out of his pocket, but if you have your director of communications send me some press releases, I’ll be happy to post them for free on the very popular and well read Chester City Blog. I'll give you your own tab. No need to reinvent the wheel. Hopefully the city web site and Comast channel becomes his area of focus.
  3. What additional experience does Darrel Jones bring to Parks and Recreation to justify a $9,000 increase in salary over that past director?
  4. If you haven’t noticed, the appointment of Joseph Bail as police commissioner was not a popular decision.  So why exacerbated that move by cutting the salary of the popular guy by 20%? You’ve got a lot of people shaking their heads on that one. 

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