Monday, May 23, 2011

Why is Furillo’s so mean?

Furillo’s, on 10th and Kerlin, is a historic part of the Chester steak and hoagie scene. They make a good sandwich, but I’ll have to pass on them for good.
Since 7th Street Market opened on 7th and Tilghman, those rare times I buy a steak or hoagie are usually from them. Since Furillo’s is so close to home, I may stop in there a couple times a year, but I’ve never been a regular customer. 
When I was doing the Chester Spotlight monthly, they always refused to purchase advertising, but they don’t advertise in any paper. However, because of the traffic they generate, I always included them as a place to leave some papers when new issues came out.
I dropped off a few papers today, and received a chilly reception.
First, the lady did not speak after I said hello twice. After dropping the papers on the counter and giving her one, she said in a nasty tone, “Oh, so you’re leaving those papers again?”
I smiled and told her that it was a special edition.
In the same tone, she said, “I hope there are no misspelled words.”
Now, why did she have to go there? 
For a business that never spent one dime in advertising, she has no right to talk to me like that. 
I simply picked up the papers I had left for her customers, and walked out -- never to go back in there again.
Isn’t this the same store that put a sign on their door -- ‘No Hoodies Allowed’.
Y’all can eat there if you want. I’m done.
p.s. I better do spellcheck before I submit this post.


  1. LOL! I feel the same about Dan BQ downtown. The food changed and got so nasty. The wings and the ribs are so dried up. I guess they think it's just Chester. They eat anything and from anywhere.

  2. Lol. Im glad to have some insight to the fast food scene here in Chester. I am new to the area and haven't had a chance to get my hands around where the good food is. I kinda assumed that there wasn't any good fast food here.

    I've ordered from "Just Pizza" before and the pies are just so-so.

    I've gotten donuts from Fatsos before and their prices are twice as much as my favorite Philly bakery (Denise's Delicacies), yet half as good.

    I guess it has worked out for the best because since I couldnt find the good fast food places, I've been cooking at home more.

    Hey, are there any healthfood and herb stores in Chester or is the closest one in West Philly? I could really use some spirulina.

  3. In my opinion, Chester is sorely lacking good food. I had hoped Harrahs would have picked up on that and turned the casino into a nice eatery. They didn't.
    However, there are some great eats within a 10 mile radius around Chester without having to navigate Philly.
    Check back with the blog as I find a way to list the tops spots around the area.
    You can get spirulina at Burmans Natual Foods in Brookhaven on Edgmont Ave which to next to Rolyn Deli that has great foods.

  4. Try an out of town search of the surrounding area.

  5. I'll add to your list, I go to Phil & Jim's in Parkside, I no longer go to Furillos for anything, Phil & Jim's Hoagies and Cheesesteaks supass Furillos by miles and the service is great, I never have any issues there.For Pizza I will go to Nazz's because I don't eat pork and they don't serve it, so I can have peperoni pizza w/o the pork...or I order from Abruzzi's in Brookhaven really good pizza...Chinese, I order from Golden Garden in Parkside, they have a $21 family meal that has a lot of food any 4 large things from the menu, or Wonderful Chinese in Brookhaven, both places are clean and the food is good, service is about the same in any Ch. res....but Wonderful Ch. service is a litte better. Donuts because I always miss Phatos, I go to the Dunkin Donuts in Linwood (Chi)their's are a lot fresher even in the afternoon. Chicken is I dnt want to cook I go to NYFC on Kerlin or Crown Chicken on Edgemont, Crown is really clean and the service is good...NYFC service is cool and the food is really good. You can double check my finding if you like... but life long Chester resident, moved come back and had to find the good take-out places these pass my very picking test...and a big part of my test is SERVICE and TASTE.
