Sunday, December 5, 2010

SURVEY RESULTS: What electronic devices do students need?

Laptop Computer: 32
Desktop Computer: 14
Smart Phone: 7
IPod: 6
Electronic Reader: 4
IPad: 4
Who computes anymore?
Computers originally solved complex equations. Now, computers are entertainment devices, and social connectors.
Email, word processing, Facebook, web surfing, gaming, movies, music, watch TV, photo editing, and storage, is primarily what personal computers are used for. 
Hardly anyone is programing a Java or Visual Basic program. Few of us are using Quark, Visio, InDesign, or doing artificial intelligence or CAD-CAM on our pcs.
Smart Phones, like the IPhone and Droid, contain most of the function, and provide most of the applications, that most of us use on a daily basis. And, it’s a phone, too.
Most kids would rather have an IPad than a laptop, for good reason. These new devices are perfectly suited for what we do with computers today. The new designs coming out next year will be able to connect to computers, and printers, which makes a netbook/notebook/laptop almost irrelevant. 
Unless you’re going into information technology, engineering, or another course of study where ‘real’ computing still takes place, there is no reason to have a computer. 
What kids prefer to have is an easy to use device that they can do the fun things they use computers for, along with the ability to do research, write papers, and all the other things they connect to the internet for, where ever they may be.

p.s. Great comments from the students. They made me realize that my survey question wasn't what I intended; however, the responses shed light on how the students feel about computers in school.

I was more interested in learning about the technology students use outside of school - at home.

I'll ask that question in a future survey.


  1. Thanks for including us in your survey this week. Here are our results:

    Laptop Computer 54
    IPad 36
    IPod 34
    Smart Phone 32
    Desktop Computer 13
    Electronic Reader 11

    Who computes anymore? Yes, I know who would have thunk it, Dinosaur. lol
    We use laptop computers but they have been a pain all year because students don't take care of them properly. It's not their property so they abuse them no matter how many lectures you give them on how to take care of the computers. Technically, it is theirs since school taxes pay for them. I think. We had laptops maybe 4 years now and we need a trade in. The batteries do not last long. So I would say we need reliable computers to do our work like you said research, write papers, PowerPoint, make designs on Publisher, and more.

    IPads are the best new portable source of technology. It does make everything else irrelevant. We need IPads.

    IPods are not allowed although some gets in.

    Cell Phones are not allowed either although some gets in.

    Desk Top Computers are still used but maybe becoming obsolete.

    Electronic Readers are good if you have mastered reading a real book. But then they can be a motivator for stimulating interest in reading.

    We will try and get a few comments in from students.

  2. The schools need new laptops!!!!Tech support tries hard to update them, but updates are not what we needed. Whole new laptops is a definite. But hey, I don't wanna point elbows but we also aren't getting funded.


  4. I think that laptop will make things a lot easier. I think it will make things a lot easier because students like using laptop or computers. Also alot of students will be interested just beacuse we are using something they are use to and that they like too learn.

  5. I think that we need new laptops because we have old ones that run very slow. I think a IPad would be something good for us students too. Desktop computers are fine too.

  6. I pick laptop because the laptop in school. You can't do nothing. You can't get on facebook, myspace look for a job. You do everything on your own laptop.

  7. To me laptop computers are needed and all the other electronic devices is not useful during school.

  8. I think that laptop computers are the best electronic because it gets better internet and it is older than any of the ipads or ipods and still the laptop is still being use by many people.

  9. Personally, I think that Ipads are best thing right now that will be more reliable than laptops but the trouble is that they cost a lot of money.

  10. I Think We need Laptops. Most Of Our Classes Are Using Laptops. We Rather Use Laptops Than Noteook Pencil And Paper.

  11. I mainly use my laptop,ipod,and cell phone. I only use my desktop for school work. Other than that I don't really use anything else I don't have an ipad and I don't use Electronic Readers.

  12. The schools need new laptops. Tech support tries hard to update them, but updates are not what we needed. Whole new laptops is a definite. But hey, I don't wanna point fingers but we also aren't getting funded and thats true facts.

  13. To be honesty I don't think as a Chester High School student we need any of these things. I think it is an great thing that we do have laptops but we have a libery with computer so we can do research. These other necessities are a privelage to have.

  14. The schools need new ipods..The reason why i think schools need ipods because most people like to listen to music while doing their work. some might do more work if schools had ipods or allow students to bring their own.

  15. Cell phones are needed but are hard to get in the school, even though half the students gets them in anyway.

    Laptops are also needed. You can get a lot of work done and they are available in almost every class.

    Cell phones and laptops provides you with music, internet connection, and allows to to socialize with your peers, almost everything you need.

  16. I think the schools need desktop computers because you dont have to worry about it dying.

  17. I think the school need more desktop and laptop computers so you can do your work on the comuters in just send to your teacher

  18. I Think The School Needs Newer Laptops & Computers. The Computers Can be Used For The Library & The Laptops Can Be Used For When Students Who Are In Classrooms Doing Research Or Work. The Internet Also Provides You With New Information The Old Text Books Dont Have In Them.

  19. I think we need desktop computer because we don’t have enough for each individual and with more than one person using them the laptops stay dying. Also like my teacher said we have a couple students abusing the laptops and it’s not fair to the rest of us because eventually we won’t be allowed to use them anymore.

  20. I think schools Should use Laptop Computers.

  21. I think that we should use desktops because they would never die and u can also keep track of work more.

  22. I believe that some electronic devices should be in school and some shouldn't. Desktop computers and laptops should be able to be in schools because it helps us students and teachers to get the information we need faster. Cell phones on the other hand doesn't really help us in any kind of way unless theres an emergency,and lastly the music devices such as ipods and ipads doesn't has to be in our schools.

  23. I think that the laptop is the best option right now and I think that the laptop is a easier thing to use and the students need them.
