Sunday, April 14, 2013

Harrah's Philadelphia Casino College Schorship

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey in Delaware County is pleased to announce that applications for the 2013 Harrah’s Philadelphia Casino and Racetrack Scholarship Program are now available.  

The Harrah’s Philadelphia Casino and Racetrack Fund was established in 2008 to provide financial assistance to outstanding college-bound students residing in the City of Chester who may not have the economic advantage to pursue higher education.  

Since its inception, more than 30 students have received scholarships, using the funds to matriculate at such institutions of higher learning as Seton Hall University, Temple University, Widener University and Virginia State University.

To be eligible for consideration, students must meet the following criteria:
§  The applicant must have been a resident of the city of Chester, PA for at least three (3) consecutive years on the date the application is mailed;
§  Family income demonstrates the need for tuition assistance;
§  Must be accepted into an accredited, two-year or four-year institution of higher education;
§  Must be in good academic standing with the current institution (current college students only);
§  Must have completed and filed the current year FAFSA form; and
§  Will agree to release all confidential attendance, official transcripts, SAT/ACT and GPA information by signing the application.

Meeting all eligibility requirements does not guarantee that a scholarship award will be granted. 

Applications will be available at United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey in Delaware County, the Delaware County College Access Center and Chester High School. All completed applications must be postmarked by April 29, 2013 for Fall 2013 admission.

Applications can be found at the following locations:

Chester High School                                                College Access Center
232 W. 9th St.                                                              400 E. 21st St.           
Chester, PA 19013                                                     Chester, PA 19013
610-447-3700                                                              610-499-1391

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey in Delaware County
2310 Providence Ave.
Chester, PA 19013                

*For more information contact: Omar Shaw, Community Impact Manager
610-874-8646 ext. 103

Please submit all completed applications and attachments to:

Harrah’s Scholarship Selection Committee
c/o United Way of United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey
in Delaware County
2310 Providence Avenue
Chester, PA 19013

Applications can also be found at UWGPSNJ’s website,


  1. Lets see if Linder blames this on Butler the past administration.

  2. Not one student or parent has applied for this money yet.

  3. i sure hope that students not only apply....but... are accepted!!!

  4. This seems like a great program! Does anyone know if this is for public school schools only; or is it open for all the catholic colleges in PA? I am trying to decide on what kind of school to attend and money is the biggest issue.

  5. Any updates on scholarship winners?

  6. I have contacted United Way and there are no winners selected yet because the funding has not been released/confirmed by Harrah's.

  7. I received a scholarship of 1,800 for the full year. I hope others were as lucky.
