Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How selling Chester Upland properties hurts Chester

As I told you when Mr. Receiver first mentioned that Smedley, Stetser, and the Administration Building were for sale, the likely buyer in waiting was Widener University. 

We recently learned that the sale has been complete and the school district has netted a whopping $3 million dollars for Stetser and the Administration Building. How could the city let that happen without some kicking and fighting?

I’m no realtor, but I would think that those two buildings, which are in great condition, along with the nearly 5 acres of prime real estate they sit on, would be worth a lot more than $3 million. The Ruth L. Bennett Home on its tiny lot is going through a $1 million restoration and those two structures combined are smaller than each of the school district buildings.

What does $3 million mean to a school district with an annual budget of over $100 million? Not much, huh?

Since the property is now in the control of Widener University, that precious land will continue to garner $0.00 real estate tax dollars to the city for the rest of forever.

Did anyone from the city propose finding $3 million dollars and buying that land from the school district? Aren’t we tight with President Obama through the Strong Cities Strong Communities thing? Couldn't the President consider floating us a loan for $3 million with our great credit rating? Is there anything that would strengthen our city more than finding that $ 3 million?

We would then offer that land to a private developer, even at a deep discount, in order for them to build something that would generate some tax revenue smack dab in the best area that Chester has to offer. Student housing like they’re doing on Penn and Drexel’s campus, maybe? A retail/entertainment hub that college students would flock to like on Penn and Drexel's campus, maybe?

I understand that city government has no jurisdiction in school district matters, but they surely should have some say on the land that the schools sit on when it goes up for sale.

In my opinion, the only entity that makes out in this deal is Widener University. Again, they demonstrate where the true brains of the city reside. 

It appears that Chester Township understands this concept...Click HERE


  1. Once again Widener University gobbles up property that could have been marketed elsewhere with the hope of getting tax dollars. Now this property will be used for their profit and the city's and citizens of Chesters loss. The larger the University grows the bigger the burden it is to the city and its public safety departments.The city is in need of new housing stock, this may have been a better alternative, at least real estate taxes would be collected

    1. if i am not mistaken, mr battinieri are you a chester police officer and you recently moved out of chester....and you are picking on widener???

  2. chester residents are getting what they ask for dumb as* dems, no profit for mayor or council none are tax payers THEY DON'T CARE..... NEXT homeowners on that side by Widener will never have a parking spot...good job mayor taking care of your city!NOPE

  3. Question, if the school district, in the future, wanted to build a new school, I wonder where will they find land to do so? It's crazy for Chester City to sit back on missing this kind of opportunity to create a way to capture that land to develop housing or business for tax purposes. Widener pays the City of Chester $0 in taxes. Maybe our City Administration can only deal with putting a food market up. Here again, Widener/Crozer are making it hard for Chester. Their only interest in that food market deal is to sell their land to Bottom Dollar - period! What happens if that market does not succeed. Bottom Dollar is not going to sit around, they are going to claim bankrupcy and move out, while Widener/Crozer are happy campers - they got their money with no responsibilities to Chester! Chester will be left with an empty building with City Council not taking responsible for anything. This market is planned for the wrong location and location is everything (it's too far away from those who need it, and the folks that will live around it will continue shopping where they have always shopped out of habit). As much as I would like to see it succeed, I personally don't feel that it will.

  4. Paul, I agree. Is this what those that have alot of say so of what goes on in this City re-building. Widener is going to own the whole East End soon..TAX FREE -- not having to put anything back in the City. There are other things that could have been done with that property. The School reciver MR. Watkins was sent here to help the CUSD fail. Everybody who got the blinds pulled over their eyes better let them up....the devil comes to steal, kill, take, and detsroy. Mr. Watkins go back where you came from because what you doing is not helping our kids nor our City.

  5. city has no say on school matters no your facts the school has no money
    selling the anmd building is a good idea stester was up for closed in the plan widener will lease the building back to school dis. for 1 doller
    a year for 10 years or if dis. closed we need 3 million dollars

    1. You are so right. Your points are well taken. I should know my facts. I apologize for insulting your intelligence and business savvy.
