Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chester NAACP, You’re Late

I want to be a fan of the local NAACP. They make it so hard.
I realize no one reads this blog, but if they did, I begun informing ‘potential’ readers in the early spring that Chester would be facing massive budget cuts this school year.
On April 4th, I asked, Is Chester NAACP joining the statewide rally on school funding? When there were no comments, I was really convinced no one reads this blog -- or, Chester wasn’t going, -- or, Chester was going but they didn’t want to tell the ‘potential’ readers.
Whatever the case may be, that walk to the administration building yesterday was -- I don’t know what it was. 
The NAACP needed to get in front of this train, not behind it. What’s done is done. Anyone who believed this school year was going to be smooth sailing -- I don't know how to end this sentence. 
The best quote of the summer came from Dr. Dexter Davis who asked where was the community during the first public hearing that attracted 40 people.


  1. Is Chester reading? Probably not. I don't live in Chester any more but I still want it to thrive. Also considering this isn't on Facebook I'd say it's a huge possibility that no one is listening.

    I agree they should've been more proactive in their response to this. I was shocked to learn online while at work that students walked out in protest during the school day.

    I was even more shocked when I got home at 5 to see that the news cameras were already there rolling when the students walked out. Funny how that works.

  2. Wouldn't it be great if the organization that are listed on the blog promoted this blog?

    I post everything I get from the City, Widener, and many others for free.

    You'd think that they would promote this blog to their audiences to let folks know that this information is on here.

    Maybe even a passive link on their website would be a smart move.

    Folks don't think like that around here. What can I say?

  3. Oh, regarding Facebook, I will likely create a Facebook page sometime in the future to automatically send these blog post to. It's not a big deal to set up.

    I'm not a big Facebook fan but Chester does have a large Facebook following who may find it easier to read post thru Facebook easier than on the blog.

    Stay tuned for that move.

  4. Well…. That’s sad. I guess Chester {businesses, establishments, and the like} SOMETIMES supports Chester {businesses, establishments, and the like}. It would help you more to be on their sites, but… hey what CAN you say? Geesh.

    Look forward to seeing you on FB! I don’t really think it’s anything more than the definition: social networking. You need to get your name out there? Network socially haha! It does help, and Twitter as well. Everyone likes to say “Follow me @________”. It seems to be important this in day & age to market yourself / business successfully online.

  5. Been on Twitter for a while. @TwitRoots gets all the blog post.
