Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Something for Kids to do

The Carnival in Marcus Hook

Tonight, I left the City Council meeting just as a resident was telling council members that kids are seeking things to do in their neighborhood.
I was so hungry that I took a short drive to Italiano’s in Marcus Hook for some of their great Italian food. On the way, I was stunned to see a ferris wheel on the baseball field I first got introduced to a curve ball as a 13 year Babe Ruth league player for Mike’s Exxon.
I had to pull over and watch the happenings for a few moments.
I asked the gentleman helping folks cross the street who sponsored the carnival. He said Marcus Hook Borough. 
If Marcus Hook can have one, can’t Chester have one too? 
I should have found how long they’d be in Hook. But, if you can take a few kids on a 5 minute drive out of town, they may be in for an end of summer treat over the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. I remember my parents always took me out of town to fairs and carnivals. And if my parents couldn't make it sometimes the neighbors would take us kids. That was back in the days when people acted like a community...but I digress...
