Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is the Daily Times diverse enough for you?

Do you need to have your newsroom reflect the diversity of your community?
That’s was a question asked last week at the National Association of Black Journalists annual conference in Philadelphia on NPR’s Tell Me More program.
Only because I know the Daily Times respects honest criticism do I bring up the fact that they do not have a Black, Asian, or Hispanic full time journalist on their staff. In fact, I only remember one black since Rob Knox left over 6 years ago. (Daily Times, correct me if I’m wrong).
I understand that this topic never comes up from those of you who buy their paper everyday, but do you think coverage would be any different if a black reporter covered Chester, Darby & Darby Township for the Daily Times?
Check out this story from top journalist who discuss diversity in the newsroom.
Click HERE for more 


  1. Who do you think should fill the spot?

  2. Diversity? So do they have people of color on the staff? Is that important to you? I would say that the DT's views and editorial board skew towards the liberal side. I like that they allow people in the community to post their opinions and objections publicly.
    I am not for diversity for diversities sake. A better question would be, "How many people of color applied for the available jobs at the DT's, and what were their credentials?", Right? Wouldn't you want the best "person" working for you! When I hired people, I wanted the best candidate and sometimes they were black, hispanic, or white. I chose based on the applicants and their skills and interview responses across the multiple people who tested them.
    I am an equal employment guy.
    Maybe the DT would say how many applicants have been diverse?

  3. To anonymous, Dannytheman answers your question. The person to fill the spot would be a qualified candidate.

    To Dannytheman, I believe they have a black delivery driver and a part time janitor/mechanic on the staff.

    in some respects it is important to me. I raised the question to see if it's important to others and if so, what are they going to do about it.

    In reality, you are mostly on point. Minorities are not favoring journalism as a career, therefore, there are not many candidates to choose from.

    The bigger issue is that most papers are downsizing which limits the opportunites for all qualified candidates.

    If you listened to the NPR story or read the transcript, minorities are also less represented in print, TV and radio than in the past.

    Mainsteam news in the US does not reflect the voice and opinions of all of its people. Should it be? Some argue yes, others no.

    As consumers of news, if it really mattered, most blacks would subscribe to papers like the Amterdam News and Philadelphia Tribune and all Jews would read the Jewish Exponent.

    Most people just accept things the way they are.

    The Daily Times is just a local example of what the NPR story discussed.

    Great comment, thanks.

  4. You might also add....Is Delaware County government diverse enough? No people of color have ever served on county council. No people of color currently serve as judges (only 2 people of color have ever served on the court that dates back to 1789 and they were from the same family). No people of color have ever served in row offices (Recorder of Deeds, Register of Wills, District Attorney, Sheriff). No people of color are in any supervisory position in any government department in Media. Go to Media and walk around! Go to a courtroom and the only color you see is reflected in the defendants. No color-no diversity in government or the judicial system! So no, I'm not surprised there are no people of color at the Delco Times. The question is, what are we willing to do about it. Do we support the campaigns of candidates of color? Do we leave our houses to vote every election day? Do we seek out willing candidates and circulate petitions? Do we call "political bosses" (specifically republican) to ask them to support (financially) candidates of color? Do we call the Delco Times and ask it to actively recruit people of color? If we don't do anything, we get what we are given! Finally, diversity is not just for the sake of diversity. Diversity ensures to the extent possible that the views and concerns of all people are reflected and considered. It gives people the necessary impression that we are all represented and included. While not all people of color are "liberal", a diverse community results in perspective and varying ideas. There are people of color qualified to serve in office and in the media. Some of them are the "best" person for the job. They just need opportunities. Thank you Stefan for bringing up the topic!
