Sunday, July 17, 2011

SURVEY RESULTS: Government benefits to the poor...

Encourage people to stay poor:  55%
Help people in need:  44% 

It appears most of you think the government does more harm than good by providing benefits for the poor.
So, I guess we can conclude that the government should create more programs that benefit the wealthy.
Imagine no unemployment insurance when your job lays you off. No low interest loans when floods and fires destroy all your possessions. No disability check when you fall off the ladder at work. No medicine when you’re sick. No hospital visit when you get in an auto accident. No food for your baby. No temporary housing for low wage earners. No public education.
If the government didn’t help the poor, this country would be in complete anarchy. 


  1. In my opinion that is an incorrect suggested solution. How about the government use the programs the way they were originally designed to work. Help out those in need but put them back on the right path instead of using it as a way of life.

  2. I totally agree with the programs being set up like they were oringinally were. I feel some people just think they are suppose to get the help from the government and not try to become self sufficient. Not everyone takes advantage of the system but I feel there are alot of those who do. Help only those who really need it or those who are trying to better themselves. There is alot of opportunity for those who want to become self sufficient. Use the welfare programs as a stepping stone not as a never ending path.

  3. I don’t want to think that most people are taking advantage, but I know for certain a lot are. However, the way the welfare system works makes it hard for people that want to be self-sufficient. As soon as you start earning over the amount allotted for cash assistance, food stamps, medicaid, you are cut down on your benefits, or totally cut off. That makes it hard for people that can’t make up for the benefits lost. That’s why people are still lying and scheming – I’m not condoning it, but it is really hard out here for some. You gotta do what you gotta do until you can do better.

  4. I agree with Mrs. Richardson

  5. I think that people forget that there is a distinction between public services, welfare and personal investments.

    Social security disability and similar benefits are benefits that ppl have themselves paid into because they have worked at some point and agreed to " invest" part of their pay check to "insure" that if anything happens to them, they will still be able to pay their bills.

    I think the REAL problem is that too many people do not know that they have already invested into certain benefits and therefore become poverty stricken because they never tap into them. For example, I know of an elderly person who died because she did not realized that she could get liheap for heat. She had worked 50 years of her life, paid her taxes and thought that all "free" services were "welfare". She did not realize that by paying her taxes, she had invested in those services. Ignorance and pride is a bad mix.

    Additionally, I wonder how many people who may want to open a business do not realize that they may be sitting on the equity to do so in the form of their homes.

    There are too many ways that people don't realize their options for preventing poverty. We need to educate ourselves regarding our options.
