Saturday, July 16, 2011

'Chester City Blog' YouTube Video Awards

These aren’t really awards, but here’s a list of videos since May and the number of people who viewed them. 
A bunch of interviews and clips from the rugby games at PPL Park
How things looked from my front porch during Chester’s unofficial Mardis Gras
Richard Tut Carter speaking at the Town Hall. I promise to get Parts 2 & 3 up soon.
A plea to vote for a tax to save the library
A photo slide show of the rugby games at PPL Park
Brian Warren and a city resident talks about the weekend celebrations
An overview of services at the library
A look at a car all decked out in Phillies stuff
Michael Green speaks to the class and presents awards
The Strong Cities, Strong Communities announcement at City Hall 
Overall, the Chester Blog videos don’t get much exposure. But they’re fun to put together. 

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