Monday, June 14, 2010

Does Chester Recycle - Part 2

On May 27th I asked about Chester's recycling program and the only response I received confirmed that they pick up on Wednesdays in their neighborhood.  I had hoped someone would explain the program in some detail.

I see recycling cans sporadically scattered throughout Chester which leads me to believe that recycling is voluntary around here.

While at Odunde, I asked about the Philadelphia program and this is how they do it...

1 comment:

  1. I recycled for many years and all of a sudden, they never picked up the can. I called the streets department many times and they still did not pick up my can, so after many times with no luck, I stopped bothering. Also of note, was that my can seemed to be the only can out there on my street. What can you do if no one responds to repeated calls?
