Wednesday, June 2, 2010

BP wishes they were Shell

If you ever want to make a native Nigerian angry, use these two fighting words...Shell Oil.

For many years, Shell has been polluting the Niger Delta to a level that is unimaginable. It's not totally Shell's fault but the money involved in oil has made an out of control government become extremely out of control.

My Nigerian friend told me that what's happening in the Gulf of Mexico happens several times a year in his home region.

The scale of pollution and environmental damage has never been properly assessed. The figures that do exist vary considerably depending on sources, but hundreds of spills occur each year. According to the United Nations Development Project, more than 6,800 spills were recorded between 1976 and 2001. According to the National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency some 2,000 sites require treatment because of oil-related pollution. The real total may be higher. (Amnesty International)

Shell has been getting away with destroying that part of the world for a long time. I'm sure BP wishes they were there and not here.

Read the rest of what Amnesty International has to say HERE.

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