Friday, September 20, 2013

Tragic Pharmacy murder in Chester

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Since 2007, thousands of retail pharmacies have been robbed in the United States, Commonly, oxycodone pills are the target. 

Last night a Chester pharmacy was robbed which does little to help improve the image of Chester. 

I have a feeling the bad guys aren’t from Chester. Chester murders are mostly personal vendettas. The access to I-95 makes this pharmacy attractive to villains from anywhere. 

Who do you think did it?

This blog doesn’t cover crime, but I’ll be following this story.

My sincere condolences to the family and friends of the store manager and I share sympathy for the store employees.


  1. Maybe they were from Chester, maybe they weren't. But drugs will make you do crazy things, and for some reason, I think that had something to do with it. It's extremely sad and unnerving - that man was just working and it wasn't even his shift that night. I will never shop in a Chester store again unless I know I can be in and out in less than 60 seconds. I will also never shop in Chester after sundown. It's not worth it.

    1. Other than food joints, you don't find any retail open in Chester after dark except for gas stations and the 2 Rite Aids.
