Friday, November 26, 2010

New Blog on Chester Schools

A new blog just went up on featuring Chester Schools. Not sure who the author is, but it appears to be an inside source.

Click HERE to view


  1. Thanks for mentioning the blog, sir, but this is not a blog on Chester Upland School District. It is a blog on Chester Schools, whatever the organization. The blog focuses on Good News that comes out of our schools. We figure you and the other guys/gals can report on that other stuff. The source is all the schools which would like to share their Good News with us.

  2. I can see where the confusion came in the web address is
    the cusd is understood to be Chester Upland School District. It's nice to see someone blogging about the positive in Chester's schools, because my daughter attends WPCS and there is always something good going on there.

  3. Danyel,

    Thank you for your response. The web address was an initial concern and continues to be a concern of mine too. I will ask them to change it. I hope they can. In the meantime, please share with me the good news on WPCS so I can post them.

  4. Sorry Danyel. Looks like we are stuck with it for awhile; that's what happens when you don't get consulted first.

  5. Chester Upland's web address is not cusd.
