Saturday, August 10, 2013

Chester's Annual Mayor's Citywide Cleanup Sept 7


  1. Linder do you have an original concepts. You want to be Butler so bad. Loser Mayor! Portia only person know anything and got any heart over there.

    1. Linder knows this is not his concept and besides the heading says,Chester's Annual Mayor's Citywide . Quit knocking our Mayor. I find that a lot of the people complain more than trying to figure out a solution. if you feel like you can do better, then run for office.

  2. Yeah I dont understand how he does what Butler already did. THIS IS MAYOR BUTLERS CITY WIDE CLEAN UP.

    1. He's doing what the Mayor is suppose to do and that is continue to hold this event and get the people involved in trying to keep our City clean. He's doing what Butler did because He is now the Mayor for the City of Chester and I'm sure the next Mayor that follows will do the same thing.

  3. What have you been smoking, Portia has no clue.

  4. city needs to be clean every year ass----

    1. You Are Exactly right, hopefully Anonymous will sign up and take part.

  5. We also need city watch out, that is watch out for the people running , around the city training for a marathon , so please have your eye open when you are driving around the cith thanks

  6. Here we go again. If we voted for Linder and Company for change why are all of the same programs originated by the republicans still done. There are other techniques and methods to motivate people to clean the city. Linder stop dusting off flyers from the butler administration and develop some flyers and programs that will start to define your legacy as Mayor of Chester.
