Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Chester police salaries in a quagmire

As a result of our city government not being capable of agreeing on how to staff the police force, we’re left with this embarrassing situation...

Because the changes were not ratified, Alston, Gretsky and Archacki remain demoted to their last union-held positions, but are being paid the salaries they earned while members of the command staff. Blair, Davis and Collins received promotions in rank, but are still being paid the salaries they made as union officers. 

Demoted, but still earning the old salary. Promoted, but still earning the old salary. I’d say the demoted bunch has received the better end of the deal. 

Click HERE for more


  1. What in the world! I think your right!

  2. If we must pay this money to the offiers can we please ask the Mayor , can they patrol the streets, because I on see four or five cars driving around,
