Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sons of Ben Movie features Chester


  1. the way I see it people believe everything the media tells them bad about Chester but not once have I ever seen the media talk about the good things that happen in Chester. every person that goes to the games at the stadium can never say they were robbed by anyone in Chester, in fact they created there own problem with fights with other soccer fans or the flare gum incident which was kept low key. the sad thing is how the soccer fans come to our city and trash it even more then it already is or how they run red light park on grass fields or in front of Chester residents houses, they have no respect for the city or it's laws, lets not forget how the Mothers day parade was changed to a different because of the soccer game. what I don't get is that the soccer team is based in Chester PA but they are called the Philadelphia Union just like the casino is now called Harrar's of Philadelphia. is our city benefiting from either one of these places then again who really cares it's just Chester right!!!


    1. Really? You've never seen a single positive story about Chester on the TV, papers, or blog?

      When you build a stadium before you build parking lots you should expect them to park where they can. The churches enjoy the extra revenue. Several overgrown lots used for parking look better than a clump of weeds.

      The city relaxes laws to accomodate soccer fans. You and I couldn't walk down the street drinking a brew.

      The New York Giants play in New Jersey.

      The casino pumps $10 million into the city each year, lowering my taxes. Plenty of locals are making a few dollars during the games instead of sitting on their front porches. The soccer stadium has been home to many championship college events besides soccer. It's not their fault there's nothing eles to do here but attend the game and go home.

      At least someone had enough sense to take advantage of our beautiful waterfront. They could have put the stadium in Upper Darby.

  2. So you say it's ok for the soccer fans to run red light, drive recklessly, add more litter to streets, pubic urinning ect ect. if you don't believe me I'll make sure I have video tape of them acting a fool in Chester, bad enough we have our own acting like idiots. it's funny how these out of town people can take control of a empty lot setup shop and make a buck but let a resident do this the police want to a permit. the folks talk so bad about Chester but ask any of them have they been robbed or anything that made them feel unsafe, see people of Chester are not going to the soccer game because we are a basketball town, I could see if Palay came to town then maybe I would go. now the casino dumps 10 million a year into the city then why am I not seeing any improvements, I se improvement to Chester township with new homes being built( for section 8 welfare cases) but nothing in Chester and please don't say the soccer team built a play ground because that's a tax write off, how about that 10 million the city gets from the casino why don't they put some of that money into the community hospital or a MARKET that we've been promised for years oh how about fixing the Lloyd st. bridge or even let's overhaul the shopping district because there isn't a store over there worth my hard earn money to shop in, brother I can go for days with you (with respect)what the city needs to do with this money that I or anybody else don't see....your turn!!!


    1. I didn't say anything was ok although I do enjoy my tax break.

      I don't know who paid for the playground but I live near it and the kids get a lot of use out of it. Re-sodding the never used mini soccer field was stupid, but they didn't ask me.

      The new homes near the highway removes an old eyesore. If they were luxury homes or condos it would make a lot of favoriable impressions to I-95 traffic as the soccer stadium makes for bridge traffic.

      But, the county has a better idea. More affordable housing helping to keep us right where we are.

  3. I am glad the child have a new playground just hope they don't deface it like all the other playgrounds and yes the house were built to make the entrance to off ramp look plesant and not scary for the folks but these are section 8 housing a hard working person such as myself wont be allowed to rent one of those nice homes because I make to much so let's put people in there who will not take care of the place(prime example wellington ridge)nor clean up because as they say"it's not mine I didn't pay for it" Yes I have a problem with section 8 people they are the cancer of any nieghborhood. don't think for one minute that the county is going to keep us here, this is just a bigger plan to move us out of Chester don't believe me take notice of the white folks riding around the city taking pictures they are planing on taking back Chester and we are on our way out if you don't own your house......Lamont2086

    1. The only other new playgrounds I'm aware of were put in at many of the CUSD schools during the Dr. Thornton era. They are all still in good shape.

      I think you agree that we need to upgrade the housing stock in Chester and not just settle for affordable housing (aka public housing - Section 8 housing). Both my neighbors are Section 8 renters. One of them treats the house like an owner would. The other is not trashing the house but they do squeeze more people in it than they should.

      Why's it gotta be white folks? Don't blacks own most, if not all, the new homes on the Crozer Park hill. Black working folks want decent housing, too. Maybe Chester will provide it one day.

      If you don't own your home, you should expect that one day you will be priced out of the rental market if the city rebounds. However, there is always housing for poor people somewhere.

    2. it seems like that "lamont 2086" doesn't like soccer or "OTHERS"
