Friday, February 1, 2013

Mayor John Linder’s administration is perceived as POOR

58% of you rate your city government as poor. The other 42% of you are equally divided in your opinion between Fair, Good, and Excellent (14% each).

I think I know what the problem is.

People in city government don’t care what people say or write about them. I’ve actually had someone tell me that they don’t care what people write on that blog of yours. 

Some people believe that responding to negative media fuels the flames and only makes matters worse. Others employ reputation management to thwart any bad press they’re associated with, especially in the the social media space.

In the 7 voting days, only 14 people said that city government is doing at least a good job. I know more than 14 read this blog in City Hall at least once during the week. Or, maybe they were the ones voting Fair & Poor. 

And, I left the poll results up for everyone to see for another week, and no one came to their rescue. 

If this city is going to improve it’s image, putting together some type of reputation management program would surely help in that effort.


  1. your blog does not mean anything your are pro rep.

    you do not speak for the people

    1. But your comment means a lot. And you are correct, I don't speak for no one. This is a blog for you to speak your mind. Please contribute more so I can contribute less.

    2. Oh, I get the 'pro rep' thing now. You are saying I'm am pro republican?

      You're speaking of the same republicans that brought the Chester Spirit to Chester because they didn't like what my Chester Spotlight was putting out? Acts like that convinced me that I had no loyalty in that camp.

      As I said before, I speak for no one.

  2. He is doing a good job, Kirkland should stay out of the way. He is the problem.

    1. So St. Rep Kirlkland is making the Linder administration poor?

  3. I voted in your poll and I think LINDER sucks. Tell me something I should be proud he did? Spend our money on a new truck, take trips to the democrat parties, sue the same city he is managing, fight with his council, hire Whitney white and gave him 150,000.00 dollar job, let the firefighters and police be able to move out of the city, fire a police chief that was doing a good job for a guy that I a known racist, tried to take 20,000.00 from chief Alston and demote him, bring NO new BUSINESS in the city, appoint all of the democratics to positions, fire good people because of potolitics (even Butler didn't do that. He could of fired Nafis when he learned he was running for office because Nafis was getting PAID by the city for Weed and Seed). LINDER + KIRKLAND = BROKE CITY. Oh yeah tell me why anyone would rate him GOOD and please don't blame it on Kirkland y'all voted him back in office.

  4. no state rep is trying to help linder administration is fine
