Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chester Upland School District Recovery Officer named

I’ve admitted to not understand most of the Chester Upland School District legal squabbles these last few months. But there is one thing I’m clear on. Their latest settlement with the state has rendered them powerless.

The state has made it quite plain that they would take over the school district one way or another. 

Some say that the state would never let the schools go broke and close. Since our school board didn’t call their bluff and choose to settle for the money, we’ll never know. 

Now that Chester Community Charter got most of the money they were seeking and the Chester School of the Arts Charter was approved by the state after the school board said no, can the message from Harrisburg get any clearer?

Oh, and the final nail in the coffin came on Friday when the state named Chester’s chief recovery officer to oversee the schools. 

Did I read that the school board hopes that he will listen to their concerns and plans? Really?

I’m not saying that I told you so. But I’m going to keep telling you so until it’s all said and done. 

The Chester Upland public School District will be dismantled in less than two years. That doesn’t mean that our kids won’t have a school to go to. Hopefully, it means they will have better schools to go to. 

We can’t keep running a public school system and a charter school system in this small town. It’s got to be one or the other. 

Right now, the move is for the other. 

Click HERE for more. 


  1. Mr. Watkins seems to have an extensive conservative background; aide in the Bush Administration
    and to the ultra-conservative Dan Quail, and troubling for me is that he seriously lacks experiences and training in education. Senator Pileggi couldn't have had a better dream come true, especially after the Commonwealth losing in federal court. As we have said in the past, which seems so trite, “We have seen them come and we have seen them go", i.e. Court Appointed Master, David Rostetter- 13 years, Former Secretary of Education, Gerald L. Zohorchak, (2006) Control Board - 13 years and the Empowerment Board - 3 years. So
    what's really new for the district?

    What can one person do for an institution that has for decades been accused of misspending, mismanagement and incompetence? I suggest Mr. Watkins begin by reading Representative Adolph's Appropriation Hearing Transcript on January 2012. He will learn just how much his hands will be tied to
    bring about change in this district, because the misgivings have been supported by those responsible for up-holding the constitutional rights of students. And for Goodness sake Mr. Watkins, don't say you want to do something that will benefit the children of this district. That's a No! No!

    Yes! The district desperately needs oversight. It appears as though the Board in place doesn't have the wherewithal to provide an adequate education for our children. Five of the members aren't allowed to think on their own, because of political reasons. The other four are pumped on egos and haven't brought any real changes to the table. Spent the last 9 months waiting for a welfare check from
    Governor Corbett. School is opening in 7 school days and four schools don't have principals. Two high schools in separate buildings, which one can accommodate both student populations. This Board has no idea of how to save the neither district money nor get money in. Hopefully, Mr. Watkins, with his ultra conservative background, will be different and bring some semblance of hope to the district or just expedite the inevitable and Charter the entire district.

    1. The new members can't do anything...remember the vote is ALWAYS 5-4. They always suggest but it gets shot down.

  2. 8/24/12 1035 am you are wrong we hired three principals and a asst.principals one high school will be a stem school look it up
    get your facts right before yougo on line

  3. I didn't see their names in the last PUBLIC School Board Agenda to be voted upon. You mean you have people on pay-roll and working who have NOT been voted on at a Public Board Meeting? The only administrator in the August 16th Agenda was the Assistant Principal for the High School. You are in violation of public school law. Someone needs to report the Board and see to it that these people aren't paid until their hiring is discussed and voted upon before the Public. Just another example for Mr. Watkins to see how incompetent this NINE Member Board is.

    This is why you "Turkeys" are going to lose the legal maneuver with
    the formal high school principal, or should I say current because
    Dr. Hammond was never released or suspended or put on leave without
    pay with the approval of the Board at a public meeting. Whenever questioned about her status, the response from the Board always was , "It's in litigation." Did any of those NINE Board members know that you can't change a person's status in employment without Board Approval at a Public Meeting? The Tax Payers need to get ready to shelve out enough money to buy Dr. Hammond another house.

    Maybe you need to get your facts RIGHT before going on line and research hiring practices in the Public School Districts of the
    Commonwealth. You will see, if you can understand what you are reading, that before hiring anyone in any district their name must
    be presented for public comment. This wasn't done.

    1. ????
      The board just had a SPECIAL public meeting 8/23 and they was voted in.
      do your research "Turkey"

  4. i i wish mr. watkins and the school board well..

    just want to mention about a small article in sunday's paper.

    the united states achievent academy recently honored chester student "george childs III " as an all american scholar!!!!.. congratulations to the young man!!! glad for his parents also!!!

  5. public meeting was 8/23 /12 again check your facts

  6. Enough of the Turkey talk.

    Just send meeting announcements to I'll happily post them on the blog. Then, no one can be accused of not knowing of a meeting and it becomes a place to fact check.

  7. meeting are posted on school website and in newspaper 24hours before meeting under sunshine law thanks

    1. That's nice. Is there some reason why they aren't sent to to be posted here?
