Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Unity March this Saturday

Concerned Citizens of Chester, in partnership with the city, several civic organizations and businesses, is hosting the Unity in the Community March and School Uniform Drive on Saturday, September 17th from 8am to 2 pm.
The original event was rescheduled because of Hurricane Irene.
Marchers from the East Side will depart from Sun Village Park and marchers from the West Side will depart from 7th and Flower St and both groups will meet at Chester High School for a day of unity and fun.
Organizers said school uniform clothes will be made available to families with students attending Chester Upland School district schools including the Widener Partnership and Chester Community charter schools at the conclusion of mandatory workshops for parents on topics including bullying and parental involvement. 
Donations and sponsorships are still being accepted. 
For more information, call Walter Jordan at 215-971-7739 or Jamiel Cottman at 610-999-5704.
Donations of checks or money orders can be sent to Concerned Citizens of Chester, P.O. box 1146, Chester, PA 19016.

(from Chester Spirit, September 14-20, 2011, Vol. 4 No. 15, Page 3)

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