Monday, August 22, 2011

PART 2: Titans of the Pulpit

 Rev. J. Wendell Mapson Jr

This week’s Philadelphia Tribune had a nice article on the third Crozer/Barbour reunion was held in celebration of the African-American ministers who graduated from Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester and in remembrance of the man who mentored many of them, the late Rev. J. Pius Barbour.

Click HERE for more

Click HERE for PART 1


  1. Wow a real reunion! What a time to be had, I’m sure. That article brought me back to the times I attended church with my dad, the late Herman B. Dawson, Sr.
    I can remember sitting at attention, mesmerized by the great oratorical discourse delivered by Reverend Barbour.
    That was also a time of great civil unrest. Not only did the church serve its churchly purposes; it also became the meeting place for strategic organizing of the Chester City civil rights movement.
    I remember that my dad, Herman B. Dawson, Sr., having a relationship with Dr. King, was sent as a delegate (as per Reverend Barbour) to attend Dr. King’s funeral.
    Each year we would attentively with deliberation watch the documentary of Dr. King’s life. Taking care not to blink as dignitaries, celebrities, famous and non-famous people departed the church, and there my dad stood amongst Dr. King’s entourage, poignantly escorting his coffin to its final resting place.
    Calvary Baptist Church has served many purposes throughout history.
