Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nick and Val without Nick?

You know your daughter loves you with a tat like this

My love affair with Ashford and Simpson started when Dr. Lovell Harris was an undergrad at Howard University and always brought albums home from D.C. with music we never heard before. Keddy and I were usually the first guinea pigs.
Gimme Something Real came out in ’73 and I’ve been a fan ever since. 
During my college days I finally got to see them at the Academy of Music and they had just wrote all the songs on Dianna Ross’ come back album, The Boss. Besides their own hits, they sang all the hits I had no clue that they wrote for everyone else. When they started singing songs from The Boss, the crowd got so excited. Nick told us not to get mad because they were going to do them better than Diana...and they did. 
A couple years ago, I visited a Thursday night open mic at their New York club, Sugar Bar. They weren’t there, but to know it was their spot made it all good. 
Click HERE for their history

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