Thursday, July 7, 2011

Who is Casey Anthony?

A few days ago, I received a delayed response to a text message with the excuse that they were watching the Casey Anthony verdict.
Me: Who is Casey?
Them: The lady who killed her baby. It’s the only thing on the news in the past 2 weeks.
Me: Oh, is she black?
Them: Never mind. Turn on the TV.
I was no where near a TV so I didn’t watch the verdict, but I had a feeling there was a story out there that had just passed me right on by.
Despite popular belief, I am not a news junkie. Business news and politics I follow, but I don’t have an appetite for crime news, or police dramas, or court TV. I leave that to the professionals and the curious. 
But, it became clear that this Casey Anthony story was a big deal, so I began to do my research.
As I started asking around, all I kept hearing was how the verdict turned out and their opinions on it. But I was trying to catch up. The questions and answers went something like this...
Me: What happened?
Them: She killed her baby and lied about it.
Me: When did it happen?
Them: 3 years ago.
Me: Huh? Why is it big news now?
Them: Just watch TV.
Me: Is she from around here?
Them: No, she’s from Florida.
Me: Huh? Why is a murder in Florida such a big deal? Open the Philly paper and there is a murder-a-day.
Them: Because she didn’t report the child missing for 30 days and was out partying. 
Me: Oh!
Now, I’m trying to pay a little more attention to this story which I have no interest in but I’m tired of sounding like a guy from another planet when it’s brought up everywhere I go.
That’s why I don’t follow crime stories.

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