Thursday, July 7, 2011

The 'Chester Spirit' changes again

The Chester Spirit weekly paper has gone through some growing changes since it came to town a few years ago.
First, there was the Chester Spirit. Later, they launched the Community Spirit. Recently, the once free paper has ‘25 cents’ stamped on the front page, but I think it’s still free. A couple weeks ago they launched their website (, and now they have combined the Chester Spirit and Community Spirit into one paper. They’ve also grown to produce great color photos which wasn’t the case in the early days. 
I’ve always been impressed with their coverage of Chester City government stories which require knowledgable reporters with information and access. I’m also impressed with the large number of papers they put on the street and the fact that they do it every week. That’s no small task.
I have often wondered how they survive with so few advertisers, but I guess their steady flock of corporate advertisers must pay a rate that’s too pricey for small business around town.
I never liked the fact that they created the Community Spirit paper. It seemed to go against Chester’s efforts to be associated with the neighboring communities by separating the region into two papers -- one for Chester and one for everyone else.
Now, I’m happy. Both the Chester Spirit and Community Spirit is as it should be, one paper.
However, I’ve never seen one paper have two names.
I’d like to see the paper continue as the Community Spirit only. I believe us Chester people don’t have a problem being accepted as part of the the larger Community. 
What do you think?

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