Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What Welfare Reductions Reduce

In order to shift money to the schools in the state budget, 0.5% was reduced from Pennsylvania’s nearly $10.6 billion Department of Welfare budget.
The Department of Welfare includes health care for the poor, child care, and services for the disabled.

Too many people only see welfare as some lazy project dweller collecting an undeserved check. That perception isn't fair to those that are truly eligible and deserving. But, as much as President Clinton's welfare reform helped clean things up, there is still some fraud out there.
It hasn’t been a week and already we are starting to see the impact of last week’s  reductions in the Department of Welfare.
  • GED classrooms are emptied.
  • Welfare-to-work programs cut by $44 million.
  • Child-care subsidies cut by $17.6 million.
  • Money to pay for food to pantries cut by $500,000.
Click HERE for more

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