Monday, July 11, 2011

Washington DC invaded Chester’s City Hall today

Some of the top people in President Obama’s administration were on hand for the announcement that Chester is one of 6 U.S. cities to take part in the pilot Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) initiative. 
SC2 is not a program that brings federal dollars to Chester, but it’s designed to develop and leverage partnerships with philanthropies, anchor institutions, the business and non-profit communities, and others to tackle comprehensive problems that are unique to Chester.
The biggest resource coming out of Washington is a dedicated team of professionals that will work with the Chester community to plan and execute improvements in a variety of areas.
The federal government has selected only 6 cities to participate in this program and Chester is, by far, the smallest of them (Cleveland, Detroit, Fresno, Memphis, New Orleans).
To know that for the duration of this program, Chester will have access to the most talented resources the government has to offer will undoubtably jump start the transformation of our city from where we are now to the Renaissance city we desire to become. 
When Chester was selected, I’m sure there was a lot of congratulatory ‘back slapping’ among those involved in presenting Chester as a candidate for consideration.
Yet, as huge as this announcement was, I was baffled by the low key press conference and the number of people I talked to in city hall who didn’t have a clue what was going on. 
If I were in charge, I’d have a community celebration so people could share in the bigness of all this. 
Or, maybe at least some cake and ice cream.

Click HERE for more

Click HERE for the official White House announcement


  1. Well, thank God you are not in charge. In a tough economy, how many celebrations we need to have? Thank God the city had enough common sense not to be frugal. And that's the point isn't it?

    I'm sure they would appreciate you bringing some cake and ice cream though.

  2. I am not talking about a fireworks celebration with Doug E Fresh. A reception in the community room would have been nice.

  3. Congrats Mayor Butler I just hope the people of our community really understand that you have been doing one heck of a job for the City of Chester. Under your leadership we have had Harrahs, the Boys and Girls Club, PPL Park, New Houses on Kerlin St.-Central Ave- Jeffery St., New Water Front. But with our luck they will vote you out of office for a guy whos been in office for 2 years and has not started one program while in office.

  4. Oh, Isn't that nice LOL - Hey Cuz'n, let's try to work that out - Stepanie Mills Thursday - Sadly enough, I was speaking with Mrs. Mayor wondering if the "Pamoja's" would continue, and she wasn't very optimistic. And I didn't see anything about the young boy found attempting suicide in Pulaski yesterday (Mon 07.11.11). My prayers go out to him, whoever he is. Very disturbing to hear of our youngsters, not only killing each other..... Now This???!!
    Talk to you soon, CoCoaNut.

  5. I'm with Stefan on this one... With all the negativity always surrounding the city this was a great opp to show some positive... Give the community some kind of hope that the city is and well change.

  6. Okay, whatever...Hey cute pics Stef. LOL!

  7. Wonderful! Another Hand Up for oppose to handout. Don't waste it!

  8. I have to agree with Stefan also, This was definately NEWS worthy and from what I have read a really big deal for our city to get to where we as citizen want it to be, this means donated money for start-up programs and donated money that we (our city) won't have to go into any further debt trying to pay back maybe balance our budget....and guess who wasn't going door to door trying to get oppisition for it...I won't say any names but I bet everyone is taking credit....But back to the positive possiblities for Chester, I grew up here and I remember what it was like and I would love to see Chester taken back to an industrious city again where there were jobs and home owners yes there was crime, but it didn't dominate our lives. Yes, this is a GREAT oppurtunity for our city and I think it should have been splashed all over the TIMES!!! You know like every time there is a murder in the city....just saying. Congrats Chester when need/deserve this.
