Friday, July 22, 2011

SURVEY RESULTS: Will you pay 25 cents for a ‘Chester Spirit’ paper?

YES: 57%
NO:   42%
I guess I’m just cheap. I don’t want to pay for anything, especially something that used to be free.
But, people tend to pay for things that they see value in, and 57% of respondents will pay 25 cents for a Chester Spirit paper.
On the flip side, if all folks have to pay, survey says that Chester Spirit will lose 42% of their readers.
It’s probably not that cut-and-dry, but the bigger issue for the Chester Spirit will be to identify enough outlets to agree to sell their paper. That’s a burden that some store owners will not take on.
If people are so willing to pay, why not create a subscription and delivery service for those who would support paying.
I just think there are more people like me who will find a free Chester Spirit somewhere and avoid paying at all costs.

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