Friday, July 22, 2011

Chester Re-Entry Call Center Shut Down

This is a notice of the temporary shut-down of the Chester Re-Entry Call Center, combined with a periodical report request for volunteers and donation of an air-conditioner.
1. reason I've shut down the call-center.  Our telephone answering-service is currently bottled-necked with 20 unanswered calls.  Nonetheless, in order to return each of those unanswered calls, someone has to sit in 90+ degree office to return calls and register clients through our intake questionnaire.  I attempted to do so yesterday, because our secretary is on leave and expecting to deliver a baby soon.  I can tell you that that proved to me that I can not either work under those conditions or, ask anyone else to do so.  Since the call center is a benefit to the re-entry community, the city of Chester and many of us, I hope you see it in your hearts to answer the below request for donation of an air conditioner, so this shut-down is TEMPORARY! 

2. Periodical report on Chester Re-Entry Call Center, July 22, 2011: at the time of this report we have 97 (women=28, men=69) registered and contact has been made by our intake specialists, Sister Rabia and Brother Rahim. 2women and 5men registered with Delco addresses outside Chester.  Although there are kinks that have to be worked out in the area of improvement of connecting clients to "timely-receptions" of partners -- its a thing that, in time, working together towards a common aim, I'm certain those kinks will work themselves out.
     We are at the mayor mercy of beginning moving into the "proposed" Chester Re-Entry Resource Center and we humbly await his delivering the letter of support we requested early this month, which he granted at the time.  The importance of the mayor letter of support is that we are requesting that the City of Chester have control over a two year least, pay the two year monthly rent and also cover thge cost of utilities.  The purpose of this resource center is to centralize Chester re-entry services, perform assessments of re-entry clients, connect clients with collaborative-partners, operate data collection and tracking systems and, grant a fair and safe opportunity for the re-entry community to visit the center with ease.  As we humbly await the mayor's support letter, I ask for you to include a prayer that the mayor addresses our request for a letter of support.
     As of Weds., July 20, the call-center has 20 un-answered calls -- which is the beginning of our registry of a second -- see more below.
3. Request for donation of air-conditioner:  The one thing I don't have to argue with you about is the fact that, according to the weather service, this is the hottest July we have had in many years.  When we organized the budget to set up the office space for the Chester Re-Entry Call Center (of Delaware County) in March we did not plan to have record making heat.  The call-center is on the third floor of the YWCA of Chester, 4 East 7th Street, Chester, PA.  This is the warmest space in the Y building, yet, there are no other offices available where we could re-locate the call-center/office.  I felt the heat conditions at the center and feel it would be inhumane to request someone volunteer to work under such brutal conditions.  The call-center budget has expired and we have no other means of securing an air-conditioner so we can re-open the call center to begin preparation for the second wave of clients.  If you or anyone you know has a window air-condition to donate to the Chester Re-Entry Call Center or, if you can loan us one until we manage to create a budget which allows us to purchase an air conditioner, kindly reply to this email. 
4. Request for volunteers for the Chester Re-Entry Call Center:  with our secretary on leave, we now need volunteers to come to the call center, Mon, Weds, Fri, from 9am to 4pm to (1) return the calls of the 20 un-answered calls we have currently by return their calls and registering them in the data bank (2) receive calls from re-entry clients and register them in the data bank (3) aid in data collection to steer clients to intake specialists, for women-clients=Sister Rabia and, for men-clients=Brother Rahim and (4) attend a workshop on how to answer call-center phone and operate the intake questionnaire process.If you can volunteer 2-4 hours per/week to help us keep the call center operative, Kindly reply to the email, and give us the days and time you prefer to work at the call-center.   (Note: as an equal opportunity employer, in future hiring considerations of additional collaborating members, as our needs for more workers, preference will be given to collaborating members that donated resources and/or, volunteered to aiding the call-center performance and credibility.)

Respectfully submitted,

Brother Richard "Tut" Carter, Sr., operational director
(proposed) Chester Re-Entry Resource Center (of Delaware County)

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