Tuesday, July 5, 2011

SURVEY RESULTS: What do you like to do in the Bed? (Pick 3)

Sleep: 72%
Cuddle & Stuff: 55%
Watch TV/Movies 44%
Read: 22%
Get of the PC: 6%
Talk on the Phone: 5%
Eat: 3%
Play video games: 0
Smoke: 0

I’ve always said that couples can be compatible in many areas and find that they are sleep incompatible. 
So, I put together this poll to see what folks do in bed, and, as always, there are a few surprises.
The top three responses are not surprising -- Sleep, Cuddle & Stuff, Watch TV/Movies.
What I find surprising is that of the 59 who responded, only 43 listed sleep as one of the top 3 things they do in bed. I guess those other 16 folks have a comfortable couch. 
For me, sleep is the number one thing I do in bed, and there is no close second (although Cuddle & Stuff is my #2). 
My bedroom TV will probably last forever. I may put it on a 30 minute sleep timer when I get in the bed. I’ve never seen it go off since I’m sleep well before the 30 minutes. Some folks keep the TV on all night long or turn it on as soon as they wake up. Sorry Dray Clark, but I have no desire to watch TV when I get up. 
Reading is out of the question for me to try in the bed mainly because I’d fall asleep before I turned a page, and because I would be too lazy to get up and turn off the light. 
I’m finished all computing before I get to bed so the laptop doesn’t come to bed either. 
I may snack in bed but you won’t find me eating a meal on my TV tray (which I received as a Christmas gift a few years ago). 
If you phone me when I’m in bed, good luck. I won’t hear the ringer. 
I prefer to play the video games on the living room TV.
I’m so happy to see that no one smokes in bed anymore. 

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