Friday, July 15, 2011

Can you eat Healthy affordably?

They say NO. Click HERE.

She says YES. Click HERE.


  1. I say "yes".

    As a matter of fact, eating healthy is cheaper.

    A grocery bag full of fruits and veggie for the week may run me $20. If that much.

    A grocery bag full of ice cream, chips, cookies, sugary cereals and fried food will cost me 2 even three times as much money. Matter of fact, a large pizza will cost me the same as a weeks worth of healthy foods.

    It's a fact. Healthy eating doesn't cost a stack.

    - Monique

  2. I say not really, if you are single then yes but if you have more then 2 children and sometimes 2 children depending on your income not really, because evrything has increased in price and portion sizes have gotten a lot smaller, we eat health by me coooking from scratch nightly, rarely do I use processed (boxed) foods I by frozen because most time I get more then buying fresh, and frozen is closest to fresh, No canned's sometimes pricey but I have to go as healthy as possible for me and my Children....
