Monday, June 6, 2011

USA Sevens Collegiate Rugby Championship - The Faces of Rugby - PART 1

Rugby in Chester. Part 1.


  1. I saw a little bit of this on TV as much as I could stomach. I must say I would rather watch the fishing channel which I switch to. What an awful sport! I can't see what all the excitement is about.

  2. Boring sport but nice selection of music.

  3. I had a great time at this event and I was very surprised by how many Chester residents I saw working at PPL park.

  4. I went both days and I thought the sport was cool, since I had never seen Rugby played befor the the event... I could really get into Rugby, the games are intense...really is the toughest sport in the world, and the ladies are just as tough as the men since there is no difference in the game for the males and females. WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! RUGBY! ....and yes there are Chester Residents working in the stadium...
