Friday, June 3, 2011

Does Chester have a communication problem?

The school district and City of Chester have a communication problem, indeed. 
The Comcast channels 10 & 11 (I think) is a nice source for information, if you have Comcast - I don't.
If I did have Comcast, I don't know if I'd watch because I can't tolerate a looped PowerPoint presentation with grade school graphics and boring music without wanting to throw a brick at the TV.
Here’s the latest communication fiasco.
On May 22...
The Daily Times posted all the proposed school budgets for Delco. Of the 15 districts listed, Chester-Upland was the only school district who did not have a budget listed. Schools have til June 30 to adopt their final balanced budgets. Click HERE.

On May 26...
The CUSD budget was announced in the Daily Times with a note that the district will host public budget meetings at dates to be announced. Click HERE.

On May 29...
The Daily Times announces the dates for the CUSD community budget meetings.  Click HERE.

On June 1&2...
The CUSD held their community meetings in Chester and Upland attended by 45 people on Chester night.
After reading Danyel’s comment HERE, I wonder how long it will take before Chester realizes that Comcast and the Daily Times can’t be the only way they communicate to people. 
For this budget meeting, there was not enough time to send out a mailing. Sending notes home with students would have been smart, although we know a lot of those note would have never made it home. 
Granted, you’ll never be able to reach everyone, but in this age of social media, update your website, send out broadcast text messages, incorporate the two blogs that focus on Chester (one is exclusively focused on Chester schools). It doesn't have to cost money to inform folks.
Or, just don’t be the last district in the county to get your tentative budget together. It’s embarrassing.
Keep up the good work Daily Times. Since everyone turns to you to get the word out, without you, we’d all be in the dark. I know we live in a huge county and you only have limited space in your paper, but please keep printing all the Chester news you can squeeze in. 

You're all we got, it seems. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok Stephan nice shout out....but I have to agree with this article, I subcribe to both BLOGS you mention above, and your are so right they really need to utilize the resources available...during the election times they get face book pages, I have friended them so I know they know how to "use" them..... and for the record I have spoken to the Mayor and Dr. Wells personally about communicating through something other then comcast cable and updating their websites....they both said they would look into it....Guess they Haven't. So Thanks Stephan, Ms. Bee, and the Daily Times...I guess finding out at all is.....
