Thursday, June 2, 2011

Chester Upland officials address budget concerns, staff cuts

Only 45 people attended the meeting?

“When we walked into this meeting, I was totally surprised that was not packed through the roof,” Assistant Superintendent Dr. Dexter Davis said. “… This community has to become passionate about education and let its voice be heard.”

Thank you Dr. Davis. You said it all !

Click HERE for more and HERE for even more.


  1. How is a packed room going to stop the budget cuts? Is it in the control of the community to stop the states from cutting school budgets from across this country? Chester is not the only community to suffer from this problem. Chester is not immune from what goes on in this world. Budget cuts are going to be made and the community doesn't feel they can do anything about it.

    It is nice to know that the community can still consider charter schools which gets public funding.

  2. I think you are saying that the community missed their opportunity to challenge the govenor's budget cuts eariler this year and there is nothing they can do now.

    Yesterdays meeting was to learn how the school district is going to deal with the cuts in their proposed budget.

    Dr. Davis is right in expressing disappointment that very few people came out. It either shows that people have a lot of confidence that the school board will do the right thing with the cards they're dealt, or people feel the school board will ignore whatever suggestions they have. I think they were looking for community input...and outrage.

    But, since so few people came out, whatever budget they've come up with will likely fly.

    It'll be too late to complain in September.

  3. You know I am feed up with CUSD and it's "administrators"....I would have loved to have attended this meeting, IF I KNEW ABOUT IT!!! And don't give me that the posted it on the school's "Comcast Channel" because I have FIOS...and yes I have brought this up at every schoold board meeting I have attended and every PTO meeting I have attended and it's always the same thing "We'll look into it" and they never do...I was just on the schools website about 3 days ago and there was nothing posted there either it hadn't been updated in a couple of weeks...that being said I have a child in the district and I have complained that as a parent if I am not at the school or Admin building daily I have know idea what is coming or going on...I was told by a school Admin, that the reason they don't send anything home with the High school students is because they never bring it to the parents response, then why not mail it? If you can send me that seriously long list of school supplies the you can send me important info about my childs school, or meeting or functions...etc. They are cutting the teaching staff by 40% but only cutting the Adm by 13%, I find something very wrong with that senerio....I'll be the first to admit that there are a lot of parents who just will not get involved...but there are a lot of us that will if we always knew what the H was going on....I work like many other parents in the community so NO I can not just come out on a last minute notice and I think the CUSD Admin count on that because then it makes it look like more parents don't care and they get to continue with their BS. I have sat down with Dr. Wells for over an hour and listened to her and thought she was listening to me.....45 parents showed up must have been the 45 with Comcast.

    By the way I found out abut the meeting when I finally had a minute to get on line and read the news on's sad really

  4. Not to mention these people in Chester need to educate themselves on who they are voting for, and stop letting the people outside the voting area tell them which button to push when they do actually get out and vote......I am fuming ove this one.

  5. I wasn't going to comment on this issue because I didn't want to be a Debbie Downer. BUT, I didn't come out because not only do I know that the school district would not implement my suggestions but I know that they could not implement my suggestions.

    They couldnt implement them because they don't have the capacity.

    Moreover, frankly I am not even sure it is a worthy fight to get involved in. That is, it seems to me that no matter how much money we give to the school district, they are still going to churn out unprepared students who are still going to end up either dropping out, jailed or demented.

    The problem isnt money. The problem is capacity, initiative and creativity and passion. SOME of these teachers/administrators are holding the children back because some of them are dumber than the kids and have no idea how to teach or reach 21century children.

    You can't buy innovation with any budget.

  6. If you don't know that this is all BS by now, there is not much else left to say. These meetings are all for show. They are going to do what they plan to do anyway no matter how many people come out to meetings.

  7. Why don't any of you commenting use a username or your real makes it hard to comment on your comments.

    Anony.@ 9:18am
    I agree with sme of your comment as far as the Admin, and some of the teachers, I happen to know that some of these teachers in the this district really try to do their best with these children but the lack a of parental invovlement and limited resources and support from the Admin, they do sometimes fail in their attemps....This districts Admin could care less it feels sometimes.

    Anony @ 11:42am
    You are absolutely right...the meetings are for show, to "show" how many ppl show up and how many will voice there opinions...and Yes they are going to do what they want, because not enough people come out to the Schol board meetings and let it be known..."We're not going to take it"
