Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chester pay cut bill fails in first vote

A proposed ordinance to cut the pay of Chester City's mayor and council is on life-support after failing to garner enough votes at its first reading to move forward.

Click HERE for more


  1. (geez.I wish someone would teach how to write a news article.)

    Does anyone know the current salary of council and the Mayor?


  2. I was at this meeting and I'm not going to name names but I will say it was more political grand standing, then needed...also there were some things argued about in public that should have been done in priavet...and there was some one in the audience that should have known better inciting disruption during some of the council answering residents I said I'm not going to name names...but that meeting from some members of council should have been about the city instead it was more about NOV.

  3. I was at the City council meeting and i am suprised at how the Dems acted in this meeting clapping like its church after someone says something that they agree on having Mrs. Smith call order in the room is this how CITY GOV. is suppose to be? Councilman Linder and Ms. West both has a right to be upset if they felt this is being pushed on them, but council members understand that not only are yall making 40,000.00 you also receive a car allowance upwards to 4,800.00 per year. The supports seemed to be down right GHETTO, Mrs. Shelton with her playing stupid act for up to 10mins just trying to be heard and Charlie Warren saying several times "physical year" when it should have been "fiscal year" and him not knowing the difference between school tax and property tax. You have the good old Reverand Dr. Kirkland who has a lot of skeletons in his closet but say to Mr. Garner " You reap what you sow". I think this city is in trouble if they become elected in Nov. The grass is not always greener on the other side, and you have Chester developing into a great City once again. As far as the cuts go; with teachers lossing their jobs in the school district I cannot feel bad for people lossing $5,000.00 from there partime job with benefits and a car allowance.

  4. Lol@ anonymous 1:46 pm

    "physical year" lol!!!

    Ignorance is funny.


  5. Anonymous said it very well GHETTO, as a resident and voter, but it was embarrassing and any Dem council member that wasn't embarrassed has no shame in their misconduct...and Thaddius(sp) should be down right ashamed for his inciting...although it was while the camera's were running and hen they packed up and was leaving he couldn't get to the cameramen fast enough stayed out of his seat and kept his mouth shut. Makes you wonder who he was really speaking for? hmmmmm. You could tell that some of the people asking questions where plants and coached...but this is what politians do they find the herring in the neighborhoods go to their homes sit and wrile them up then put them in front of a camera or audieance and let their coaching take off. As a registered Dem I am ashamed of how the contestants in my registered party acted....but I guess if the people don't ask the right questions and want the right things, they will still be allowed to act like this, I hope they are told about this blog entry this week and/or read it for themselves and take a hard look at how they are going to run the rest of their campaigns.
