Saturday, May 28, 2011

United Way's Deep Budget Cuts Deserves Your Letters

United Way is addressing the proposed Fiscal Budget Plan for the year 2011-2012 and encourages you to get involved!  
Yesterday, the proposed budget plan which contains deep cuts into education and health and human services was passed by the State House of Representatives. In early June, the Senate will vote to either approve or reject the Budget. This means now is the time to take action!
While United Way understands the financial situation that the Pennsylvania government must address; this should not be at the cost of education and services that people so greatly need in these dire economic times.
Join us in our Letter Writing Campaign to address the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Proposed Budget Plan. 
Simply write a letter to your state senator, using the template FOUND HERE or your own letter. 
Then email the letter to , and United Way will mail your letter to your representative and cover the cost of postage.

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