Saturday, May 28, 2011

Chester Summer Curfew

As the summer break for the school year is now well underway, parents are reminded that it is important for them to know where their children are at all times and ensure they get home safely before curfew. The Chester Police Department strictly enforces the curfew statutes through the summer break as well as during the school year.
In order to protect the health and safety of young people, the City recently changed its curfew time during the summer months. Curfew time is as follows: June 1 – August 31 2011, to 9:00 pm everyday of the week for all minors under the age of 18. 
As part of the Juvenile Division, the City now employs a full-time curfew detail that is solely dedicated to writing citations. With the assistance of the curfew van this summer, police are better able to patrol the streets and ensure curfew adherence.  Operators shall not permit any child under eighteen to remain upon premises of his/her establishment between curfew hours.  Minors, parents or operators found guilty of violating this ordinance will be fined.  
For questions regarding curfew and to report violations of curfew, residents can call the Juvenile Unit at 610-447-8457. 

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