Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Did we really need a Press Conference?

I thought I’d wait a few days to see if any of you would ask. Since you haven’t, I will. 
Why did the District Attorney and City brass choose to stage a press conference at Calvary Baptist Church to announce that they charged that young boy?

What did this event accomplish, and for whom?
Should Calvary clear its parking lot for all charged criminals in the future? 
Does this practice bother anyone, or is it okay to let these very public outdoor press conferences go on in our city?

Maybe if I saw it happening all around the county, I wouldn't ask.


  1. Does this come as a surprise. Everyone wants to grandstand, and act as though they're really concerned. Bottom line! Election time is going near, and it makes me sick to my stomach, to hear politicians and the clergy using this tragic event, to stage a political platform to gain office. The gathering of these persons, is nothing more than massa green assembling all the house niggas and using a backdrop of Dr. King on the side of said church. Get your act together people, when all said and done Chester isn't as bad as you make it to be.

  2. You have asked good questions. Now let us the commnity answer .

  3. I agree Anonymous, Last year couldn't throw a stone and not hit the council canidates, now gotta turn over a rock to see them or stage a press conf. of vigil... but chester can only blame themselves because come election time they always vote the same people into office, they care during election time then once the election is over.....????? This is my first Mayoral election since moving back to Pa, so I am looking forward to voting.

  4. Yes. They are good questions. The purpose of the blog is to have the community answer. We got one answer from Anonymous at 3:43pm. Not sure what we got at 7:43pm.

  5. @Danyel Jennings I have to say I have ALWAYS SEEN our Mayor at events and supporting CHESTER. I have lived here for 35 years and I have not seen John Linders face around until he started seeking public office. Becarful of who you vote for in November. Just and example I never seen John at a Chester High School basketball game this year but as soon as they got off the bus from winning the state title he was right there.

  6. I really enjoy reading the comments from the people who take the time to read the Chester City blog. bear with me on this it relates back to the HBO series dealing with crime in Baltimore called THE WIRE. In one of the episodes, a candidate for mayor was riding around town and saying something is wrong with parked cars, or therre is a group of people congregating on a street corner after hours, or there is trash falling into the street...He never said what street or what corner. But he did force the city workers to hustle to find the areas being spoken of to take care of the problem. CHESTER is a much smaller town and these types of problems should be taken care of immediately without having someone to call in. How about this...the people in charge of streets ride around and check things out that need to be done. How about the police commissioner/captain/or whatever the title, ride around and make sure persons are doing their jobs. (just last week during one of the rainy days we have been experiencing, there was a crossing guard on the east side of the city actually holding up her stop sign that was unable to be read since it was in a shopping bag. Whew!!!!! Or the crossing guards who are crossing students while sitting on stools and not moving as the young ones are running across the stretts. To confirm Danyel's comments that certain concil members do not attend activities, I concur. The grandstanding needs to stop. Just do your jobs. Just as they say "stay in your lane" and take care of the business that you are responsible for. As for the council member running for mayor, sure, just bide your time listening to the steps our present mayor is taking to run the city and then find ways to discredit those activities because you have inside information. Wow. Sorry for the tangent today. God bless the city and the silent voters who pay taxes and really do not see "politicians" until election times.

  7. Anynomous at 7:48pm, I never said who I was voting for, and there are more then jusat mayoral canidates running...but this is the 1st one I can participate in since moving back to Chester....and I can't wait. Anynomous at 1:49pm, I agree the people in charge of certain depts. should be in the community making sure that the jobs they are in charge of are being done and right. Chester is small and yes we have crime running rampant, so I agree the chief could be out and about more...I know they all have paper work that needs to be done, but No the human side of the job can not fall to the way side. I think that if the promises made are kept longer then a week or a summer then the people who live in fear of speaking out, would speak out. I think the city should apply for the grants that would give us funds to fight crime on a bigger scale and build and employ our own forensics lab and we can process and run DNA faster then having to wait until the state police can get to our evidence, hence solving more crime and getting the criminals off the streets. I could go on but I won't....I think we are all on the same page, we just have different ways of getting to the point. (in this blog)

  8. I have seen the police chief all over the streets.

  9. We need to stop pointing the finger at CITY HALL. We nned to tell our MEN in this community to stand up and take care of there HOME, CHILDREN, and NEIGHBORHOODS. I am a 39 year old men in this city and i am TIRED of raising kids i did not have the PlEASURE of making.

  10. I do not see the chief out and about tell me where he bee and I will be out in those areas too....I have not seen in this post people pointing just at city hall, I am a product of this city and I am raising my children here and I am an active voter, in every election primaries also the election I can count on 1 hand how many people are at the poles....I blam the community,city hall, absent fathers, neglectful mothers, and the children making these awful decisions...WHY....Because I VOTE and I can. I am not perfect far from it, but I am here and active and doing my part as a mother raising children in this community. I also think people need to get up and get out and stop expecting everyone else to solve all the problems plaguing our city. Those same people who come out to party and walk a couple of blocks and that's the exstent of their involvment. It's time for this community to take action, everyone together not just one entity at a time.
