Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Where is the C-Pride?

How can the gym be half empty? What else is there to do in Chester on a Tuesday night? How does 80 folks from Reading make more noise than 300 folks from Chester? Where is the student section? Oh, that’s right, students don’t come to the games.
It’s the same faces in the crowd for every game. 
Great game tonight against Reading. It was nip-tuck til the end before Chester put on the after burners.
In my opinion, we have a very talented team this year. I’m not so thrilled with their execution on offense, and their interior defense and rebounding is lacking for a team so big.
But, it’s still early, and they’re still winning. 
Come to a game. 


  1. Too cold. But you can tell us all about it. Maybe I can come to the next one? I still got C-Pride!

  2. We have many new additions this year, everything will come together in due time. Oh yeah waiting to see you at the middle school games. C-Pride for life.

  3. C-Pride? Wow, have not heard that in quite a while. Back some years ago, it was all about pride not only at CHS because of the teams, but about pride in the school, pride in one's self, and pride in the city. But that does not seem to exist today. What is absolutely disgusting about the lack of pride is not only the low attendance at a school event that used to sell out all the time, have busses attend the games all the time, but here is what I do not understand about having pride....on some weekends you can see folks having to do community service and seeing them do sidewalks and streets in residential neighborhoods (most recently in the 23rd St area). If it takes an outsider cleaning, sweeping, and collecting trash a home owner or renter should be doing to keep their property looking good, then how can we expect to have pride in anything?
    Yes, those were the good days and the good times when the gym would sell out, people would cheer, people would wear their orange an black. What an absolute shame it is not here anymore.
