Monday, December 13, 2010

SURVEY RESULTS: What Social Networking site is your favorite?

Facebook  22
MySpace     2
Tagged        1
BlackPlanet 1
LinkedIn       1
Wow! That was a very reveling survey. The numbers speak for themselves. 
I overheard a teen say that she doesn’t like Facebook because it’s for old people. Her mom and all her mom friends are on Facebook, yuk.
I’ll assume that most of the folks tuning into this blog are over 30, therefore, we’d be considered old to most teens. 
You can take these results two ways. Either Facebook is a killer ap, or we are limiting our social networking options, as 7 choice got no vote at all (Bebo, CafeMom, Twitter,, delicious, Foursquare, Buzznet).
In this age of unemployment, I encourage you to get on LinkedIn if you are looking for opportunities. If you are into parenting issues, check out CafeMom. 
But where are all my Tweetples (Twitter peoples)? I don’t vote in these surveys, but Twitter is my #1 site. I have a Facebook account that I might look at once or twice a week. It has been a great way to connect to old friends, but as a daily networking tool, it doesn't appeal to me at all, and I'm not into playing the Facebook arcade games. 

Twitter, I’m reading several times everyday, and each new post from this blog automatically goes on Twitter for the world to see. 
For those of you who are into breaking news, current trends, or interested in any number of subject matter experts, Twitter is the tool for you. 
For most people, Twitter isn’t as easy to pick up on as Facebook. It certainly isn’t for everyone, but once you get into the Twitter mindset, it’s an invaluable tool.
Coincidentally, through Twitter, I ran across an article this week that shows that only 8% of Americans use Twitter. Here’s a quote...
The latest Pew survey also includes some demographic information and usage statistics about this seemingly paltry bunch of Twitter users. For instance, young tweeters between the ages of 18 and 29 years of age (14 percent) are more likely to user Twitter than other adults. Latinos (18 percent) and African-Americans (13 percent) are more than twice as likely to user Twitter as white Internet users (5 percent). And city dwellers (11 percent) are twice as likely to use Twitter as rural residents (5 percent). And of all Twitter fans, women and college-educated Internet users are more likely than average to tweet.
Click HERE to read more

follow me @TwitRoots

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