Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Would your rather have Roaches or Bedbugs?

My Hero

I spent last week in Murrell’s Inlet, just south of Myrtle Beach, and my biggest fear was bedbugs. Fortunately, the two bedroom flat was bedbug free but on the last night I did find that a single palmetto bug (flying roach) was hiding in the artificial tree in my bedroom. 
I could only hear the stiff leaves rustling occasionally and was willing to ignore the minor disturbance until he decided to come out and walk with me to the bathroom. 
Too big to smush with my foot, I cleverly brought a can of Raid with me and gave him a shot which was effective in putting him out of my misery almost immediately, as he did the classic flip-on-his-back, confirming loss of life. 
Although the palmetto is scary looking, a clumsy flier, and a thousand times larger than a bed bug, he doesn’t bite and is easily exterminated.
The attached article is concerning because now we have evidence that bed bugs are in Chester, again. (Last year the Chester Spirit reported on bed bugs at the Wesley House).
Personally, I’ll take a single roach sighting over a bedbug, any day. 
Click HERE for more. 


  1. Wow! Your vacation sounds like a winner. I would take neither. But I actually had to buy that say spray last week for tiny ants. Don't know where they came from. I used that same spray on this long insect with a lot of legs. Don't know what it's called but it worked. Last night my son fought off a cricket. I don't know how it found itself indoors but I don't kill crickets.LOL

  2. Wow, having to take bug spray on vacation...I would rather have neither....but I think bedbugs are worse because you never truely get rid of them and it's expensive and it takes 3 treaments and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

  3. After staying in hundreds of hotel rooms in my corporate days, I learned to never leave home without Lysol and Raid. Even the nicest hotels have issues. Now it's more timeshares and rented homes, but the same rules apply.

  4. I agree with you Stefan the best places have had problems with all types of bugs. Good tip to bring Lysol and Raid. I usually always bring Lysol Wipes. Another good tip I heard is to put all luggage in the bathroom before checking the room for bed mites. I stayed at a Marriot recently and did this. Just in case!
