Thursday, October 21, 2010

CeaseFirePA Endorses Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland

Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland has already proven himself to be a leader. Walt Waite, Shannon Meehan, and Margo Davidson will be fresh fighters in Harrisburg to reduce gun violence.

CHESTER – October 20, 2010 – CeaseFirePA announced today its endorsement of State Representative Thaddeus Kirkland for re-election in Chester City. Kirkland represents the 159th District. CeaseFirePA also endorsed Shannon Meehan who is running against Rep. Nick Micozzie in the 163rd District (Lansdowne), Margo Davidson, who is running for the open seat in the 164th District (Upper Darby), and Walt Waite who is running in the 161st District (Swarthmore) to replace state Rep. Bryan Lentz.

Gun violence prevention is a major issue in campaigns across Pennsylvania this year. All four endorsed candidates received perfect scores on CeaseFirePA’s Legislative Questionnaire. Walt Waite, Shannon Meehan, Margo Davidson and Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland have all committed to pursuing common sense reforms to reduce gun violence, including: 
  • Reporting lost or stolen handguns to the police
  • Closing the Florida Gun Loophole
  • Granting local authority for cities to pass laws to reduce gun violence
  • Full funding of Philadelphia’s Gun Violence Task Force, and expansion of the program to new cities
  • Opposing the NRA’s reckless “shoot first” castle doctrine expansion bill

The City of Chester is one community in Delaware County struggling with a major gun crime problem. This summer, in an attempt to stem the violence, the city enacted a “state of emergency,” and began seeking additional remedies. Rep. Kirkland joined the effort and worked with the city council to unanimously adopt a local lost or stolen handgun reporting ordinance – and called on his colleagues in the General Assembly to do the same statewide.

Kirkland has also been a strong supporter of legislation to close the deadly Florida Concealed Carry Gun Permit Loophole, which allows criminals to carry a concealed gun in PA using an out-of-state permit, even after Pennsylvania Police have revoked their Pennsylvania permit. The reform has been endorsed by every major law enforcement group in the state including the PA State Police, the PA Sheriffs’ Association, PA district attorneys, and nearly 100 individual PA police chiefs. The only group which opposed the bill was the NRA. Unfortunately, despite overwhelming support from police, the bill was never allowed to come to a vote because House Republicans, along with a weakened Democratic leadership, allowed a procedural move – which silenced debate before it could even be introduced.

One of the Republicans who voted to kill debate – literally, silencing democracy - was Rep. Nick Micozzie – who is being challenged by Shannon Meehan in District 163. Micozzie voted against closing the loophole even after attending a hearing in Upper Darby in which officials from every leading police organization in the state presented testimony in favor of closing the gap, including Delaware County Sheriff Joseph McGinn, who explained: “The reciprocity agreements between states were never intended to act as an avenue to allow those rejected in Pennsylvania to get permits “by the back door” from other states. Therefore, the proposed legislation to close off such access by residents is both timely and necessary for the protection of our residents, our communities and our law enforcement officers.” Despite that testimony, Rep. Micozzie voted to shut down all debate on the Florida Loophole bill.

Micozzie’s record of taking marching orders from the gun lobby goes back at least several years. In 2008 he voted against a common sense measure to require that lost or stolen handguns be reported missing to the police. Just weeks ago, Micozzie followed the gun lobby’s orders again, by voting in favor of the deadly “shoot first” castle doctrine expansion bill. Again, leading police organizations and 100 PA police chiefs have joined together – this time, opposing this dangerous bill which threatens to turn neighborhoods into shooting galleries for gangs and criminals. Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico said: “This bill is a defense attorney's dream. Someone can claim self-defense if they shoot someone who looks at them the wrong way. By eliminating a duty to retreat, you are encouraging someone to potentially take a life." But Micozzie still voted the way the NRA told him to.

Shannon Meehan is running to replace Micozzie. He is an Iraq War Veteran who has seen, first-hand the consequences of deadly weapons in dangerous hands. He called publicly for Micozzie to stand with police from across the state by voting to close the Florida Gun Loophole, and to oppose the “shoot first” castle doctrine expansion. Each time Micozzie sided with the gun lobby instead of his constituents – voting to kill debate on closing the loophole, and to expand the Castle Doctrine. CeaseFirePA believes the people of the 163rd district deserve better and is endorsing Meehan today.

Walt Waite is running to take over the seat held by Rep. Bryan Lentz – who has been the leading voice in Harrisburg to close the Florida Gun Loophole. Walt Waite has been endorsed by Bryan Lentz and is committed to continuing Lentz’s work in Harrisburg to pass reasonable reforms to reduce gun violence in PA, including closing the Florida Gun Loophole.

Margo Davidson is running for the open seat left by Mario Civera. Davidson is a long time advocate for initiatives geared at community safety. She suffered from the terrible impact of gun violence when her own brother was shot and killed by a criminal with an illegal gun during a home invasion. His killer was a previously convicted felon who was not legally allowed to possess guns. Davidson is dedicated to making sure that fewer people need go through the same suffering she did.

“Across Pennsylvania, voters are looking for candidates who have the guts to take on the gun lobby.” said CeaseFirePA Executive Director Joe Grace, “Pennsylvanians want reforms to crack down on illegal guns and the criminals who use and traffic them. They want leaders willing to fight for them – not for gun lobby extremists. These reforms are supported overwhelmingly by PA law enforcement. Rep. Kirkland has led on this issue, both in Harrisburg and at home in his district. He needs more partners in Harrisburg who will stand with him for reform – Walt Waite, Shannon Meehan, and Margo Davidson have all proven that they are up to the challenge, and will be strong partners for reform.”

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