Thursday, September 30, 2010

'Waiting for Superman' will solve all public school problems?

Everybody is talking about the movie, Waiting for Superman, coming to the Ritz in Philly, October 8th. 
The review says...The film isn't subtle in setting up its good guys-vs.-bad guys dichotomy. It documents "dropout factories," schools that barely graduate anyone, and the "dance of the lemons," known by aliases such as "pass the trash" and the "turkey trot," where horrid teachers are passed from school to school. The film demonizes the American Federation of Teachers and its president, Randi Weingarten, for holding fast to union contracts that make it all but impossible to get rid of bad teachers or discipline mediocre ones. Watching the film, sadness isn't the gut response. The overwhelming emotion is anger. No water in the eyes, but a balling of fists. Click HERE for the rest.

Click HERE to discuss the movie on Lou Mahlman’s blog.

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