Thursday, August 19, 2010

Riversharks Tickets Benefit Delaware County 4-H

When league All-Star Dwight Maness (a guy with Chester ties) was playing for the Camden Riversharks, I attended quite a few games. Literally, for less than the price of parking at a Phillies game, you can see the Riversharks play some darn good independent league baseball with many players with professional talent. Their beautiful stadium with awesome views of center city Philly and the Ben Franklin bridge doesn’t have a bad seat in the house. 
Join Delaware County 4-H at the August 29, 1:05 pm, game between the Camden Riversharks vs. Lancaster Barnstormers. 
For each $11 ticket that is sold on the web using the DC4H code, Delaware County 4-H will receive $5. 
The Sunday game includes an autograph session prior to the game and free Ice Cream Sundaes after the game. 
To order tickets, go to , click on Riversharks Fundraising Program and enter DC4H as the code. There is a $1.25 processing fee for on line orders. Fundraising sales cut off three days before the game. Help raise money for 4-H while enjoying this family friendly entertainment.
4-H programs are sponsored by Penn State University and are open to all age-eligible youth. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. Penn State encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you would like to participate in 4-H, visit for more information or call 610-690-2655.

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