Thursday, July 15, 2010

State of Emergency takes back seat in Chester

CHESTER — The mixture of passionate emotions that emanated from city hall when Chester City Council extended the state of emergency last month was absent when the board reconvened Wednesday. (Where’d y’all go?)
With the state of emergency expected to be lifted July 23, Mayor Wendell N. Butler Jr. said after the meeting that he planned to reveal his plans for the transition publicly sometime next week. (Fill in the blank. We’ll transition from a State of Emergency to a State of _____?)
Click HERE to read more


  1. If I have a business your telling me it's a good idea to invest millions of dollars in a drug infested area where murders occur daily? Haha, right. Good luck getting jobs.

  2. You must have Chester confused with Philly who average a murder per day. Chester goes over 345 days per year without a murder. And the lil dime bags of weed and coke can't compare to the amount of heroin, oxy, percs, and valiums floating around Delaware County.
