Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chester Council set to meet today

Chester City Council will meet at 10 this morning at City Hall for the first time since it voted to extend the city’s state of emergency an additional 30 days on June 23.
 This is the final meeting before the state of emergency is set to expire on July 23.
 Councilman John Linder, a Democrat, said he’s not looking to extend the curfew.
 “Myself, I’m hoping to lift it and I’m hoping everybody else is ready to lift it and continue the policing, putting more people on the street,” Linder said. “We have to get back to normal. That’s what we have to do.”
 Councilperson Marrea Walker-Smith, a Republican, said she would stand behind the direction of Mayor Wendell N. Butler Jr., a Republican.
 “I’m sure he’s consulting with the police department and other officials to determine what the next course of action will be,” Walker-Smith said. “I trust him and whatever decisions he comes up with.”

Notice: Two council people, two different styles. One has an opinion and the other follows the leader. Which style do you prefer?


  1. I prefer the intelligent decision to have someone that is waiting to here back from the police department and other officials. Not someone with an opinion with no substance. Opinions don't run the city. This is the problem over in City Hall now. All of these opinions and no unity. If the Mayor is in charge at this time, then people should stand behind him and trust his decision if it is based on police experience. Here's a question you should ask Is the division in city hall (Democrat vs. Republican) a cause of the violence. Frankly, I thought her comment was more intelligent. Stephan how can you be fair here on this blog. You are clearly against the Republicans. That young girl has tried very hard to bring recreation programs to the community. Did you see the calendar of summer events with education programs and everything for our young people. What have those DEMOCRATS done in 7 months nothing. This is why young people leave our city now. That young girl Councilwoman Smith has more education then all of them over there should could easily be getting 100,000 in the real world but she stays here in our community. Stop beating up on her because she is a Republican give credit where it is due. I am so tired of this stuff because we need to give our young people a chance. She represents our future the others over there are in there 60"s that have what 4 or 7 years at most in them before age sets in on them. None of them represent our young people. Please start to be more fair on your blog. If not call it the Democrat Blog.

  2. I could give a damn what political party anyone is associated with. I just want the community to demand results from the people they elect. I rarely offer opinion but I do try to encourage readers to offer there's. This blog is open to anyone who wants to use it. For some reason the Democrats have used it and the Republicans have not. I dont chase after either of them. With that being said, don't try to assume my motives. All I'm trying to do is inform and get you readers to think and act. Respond to what the post says, not to your opinion of me.
    If there is someone out there that would like to interview me to learn my motivations, let's schedule it. I'll be happy to post it here.

  3. What the heck. Here is my opinion. I expect a leader to be a problem solver and decision maker. I expect them to gather the best intelligence they find and form their own opinions based on those facts and their gut. Don't tell me you are going to do whatever the mayor, Senator, state Rep, governor or president says. Tell me you are going to consult from the best sources available and base your independent decision on that...even if you don't mean it. I don't think I'm alone in frustration of follow-the-leader politics in Chester. It has nothing to do with party and everything to do with leadership. We need leaders not followers. We need challenge not status quo. We need dialogue not silence. We need the same people fighting for nonviolence to fight just as hard for jobs and education. If we don't do it now there will be some folks moving in here who will...real soon.

  4. Now, there is the real Stefan Roots. Now you are assuming that her comments were based on follow the leader opposed to intelligence. I know for a fact that she fights for what is right be it Republican or Democrat. How about a compliment every once in awhile. Like I said, I am very pleased with the way she is turning around the Recreation Department in Chester. Have you complimented her on that? I have never even seen you compliment her on being the 1st Female and 1st African Leader of the Republican Party. How do you even know if the reporter quoted her correctly. You are so quick to analyze the situation to be against the Councilwoman. As for jobs and education, I know she fights for both of them giving people a second chance. Hell she even tutored my daughter for free on the SAT, and I didn't even know her that well. How about interviewing her and trying to get to know her instead of listening to your Democrat friends. This has to stop. As a matter of fact, I know that she even tried to be supportive to your newspaper by advertising. How much more do you people want from this young lady. Honestly, I believe she is much to smart and talented to be wasting her time in Chester. I tell her that every time I see her and I hope that she leaves and work for people that really appreciate. What have the Democrats done in the last 7 months? nothing. Where's the supermarket, transparency promised. Stefan Roots you need to be fair to those that are working hard.

  5. Why are you pitting me against Walker-Smith? I don't have a problem with her. I'm not analyzing anything. I simply asked a question to the readers. I doubt if the Daily Times reporter would risk his job by mis-quoting her and I would hope that there would have been a retraction by now if she was misquoted.

    Check out the Chester Spotlight, December 18, 2009, Issue 43, page 3, for "Chester Republican Party Announces New Chairperson" with photo.
    Personally, I am so done with the 'First Black' thing. You'll never see me celebrate the first black anything. It doesn't put any more money in your paycheck or food on your table if your the first, second or 100th black. What matters is what you do on the job once you get it.

    This is not a political blog. If you want Chester political stories, read the Chester Spirit or follow Desire Grover's Ghetto Print site. I don't understand politics and I don't involve myself in politics (besides voting). All this Republican vs Democrat angst is for y'all to bicker over. All I pay attention to is results.

    So many people make it seem like it's my fault that government folks didn't use the Chester Spotlight or Chester City Blog to promote their agenda. Those same folks tell me that I should make arrangements with government officials so they can tell me what they're doing for their constituents. Maybe I'm the only one who sees that as backwards.

    Can't you tell by now that I really don't care to chase politicians around. Don't expect to see me trolling the halls of the State Capitol or City Hall with a pen and pad. I leave that to the professionals. However, I will print anything they send me since this vehicle is an excellent means to get their message out to the people they represent.

    Brian Warren, Director of Recreation for Chester, sends me tons of stuff, of which over 90% of it gets posted. I have not received anything from Smith-Walker, West, Linder, Garner and very little from Ms. Harris who represents the mayor.

    And yes, Walker-Smith's promotion company did advertise concerts in the Chester Spotlight once or twice. By contrast, I've had several businesses advertise in all 45 issues. What's your point?

    This blog is open to Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Green Partiers, Whigs, Socialist, Communist and anyone else who has something to say about Chester. This blog is also open to anyone who knows more than I do on any topic.

    I obviously don't know what Walker-Smith is doing in government, and if she doesn't share it with me, by all means, you have my permission to enlighten us all with a story that I'd be more than happy to post. Don't just tell us that she's talented, smart and hardworking. Share a simple bullet list of accomplishments that people will get excited about. Wouldn't it be great if we could get that from all our city council people?

    I'll just continue to refer to the same sources everyone else has access to that cover Chester politics and continue to ask questions. I guess that makes me a mean guy. Maybe I should be doing more complimenting. Maybe I need to honor some people. Maybe I should just behave as if everything in Chester is going along just fine and let all facts go unchallenged.

    Honestly, wouldn't that be boring?

  6. Stefan Roots, I am very pleased with your blog. I think it really gives the people of Chester an opportunity to voice their opinion. And those like me to really get a good idea on some of the things that are taking place in the City and neighborhood where I live. Not eveyone is going to be happy about what they read but so be it. I say don't read the blog. And i don't blame you, so much shit is about politics around here its a shame. How about when you apply for a job at City Hall if you are not republican they tell you that you must change your party. Now, I think that is discrimination, what does how you vote have to do with how you peform your job or if you are capable of doing your job. There is just to many followers and not enough leaders. If you dont fit in the clicks at City Hall, you are a nobody to them.......
